FTo - Flowers and Demons

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A sort of Yamitsu x Flurry one, the beginning of a mini au that probably won't get expanded on.


Yamitsu had started seeing the flowers a few months ago. They popped into his yard, bright purple with yellow peeking out the center. They were beautiful, but he had never seen them before that moment, not in his house or the woods around it.

He kept a collection of flowers spread across the field next to his mother's bee farm, mostly wild flowers with some sunflowers planted close to him, but nothing fancy.

Every time he tried to get rid of them, they popped back up, again and again, without fail. After awhile, they were joined by firs and bushes, and then odd sounds. He had started hearing a sort of laughter in the woods. It was silly, almost childish, and never appeared at the same time; he was starting to assume he was being haunted.

One day, while he was moving a new bee-box, the laughter came again, and this time, he had caught it, or more specifically, her.

The bees buzzed in the nearby fenced in area as he moved stuff around. His mom had started the bee farm as a hobby, a hobby that Yamitsu had picked up on. Her honey was phenomenal. He never could mimic it.

He set the box down, stretching out. It was no hassle, he had been working out since he was a preteen and had a natural strength, or an unnatural one.

Yamitsu smoothed his shirt, dusting off pollen and leaves. He ran a hand through his hair and moved to pick up the box; that's when the giggle sounded.

He spun around, twisting to try and spot the source of the voice. It rang again, causing him to move again.

A blur ducked through the trees, bright against the dark green leaves. It hid behind trees as Yamitsu tried tracking it.

"The hell are you?!" He questioned.

Another giggle as the blur bolted past.

Yamitsu cursed under his breath. He glanced back, earning another curse. Flowers had sprouted behind him.

"If you're haunting me, know I don't scare easily."

"You embarrass easily." The voice giggled. It was light, with a tinge of an accent he couldn't recognize. They sounded female, but Yamitsu couldn't assume anything at that point. "It's quite silly, big guy getting flustered."

"Flustered?!" His face reddened, leaning to match his red eyes. "How- are you watching me?"

"Maybe~" they giggled, "What if I am?"

"That's creepy!" He called. The voice just scoffed in response. "Why are you watching me, and what's with the flowers?"

"I saw your flowers, and your buzzy bees, and those wee little gnome statues. I thought they were cute. So I left you gifts. You like them?"

"What type of flowers are they?"

"Not one's from around here."

Yamitsu at this point had tracked down the voice. The figure was leaning behind a tree, giggling. He snuck up behind them, them being too distracted.

He jumped out to look out them, causing them, or her, to jump with a cry of shock.

She was tall, with curly teal hair the poofed out around her and pale skin. He cheeks were adorned by rosy circles, matching the crystal ball that hung from her collar. And her eyes, they were purple, fading to gold near the bottom. Beautiful.

It took him a second to notice the other features; her pointed ears, horizontal pupils, and odd chameleon tail that curled by her feet. A large red die hung at her waist, tied by a leather strap.

"Wha-?" Yamitsu was cut off as she threw a handful of leaves. She disappeared with a poof, or more like a fade, as she turned invisible to match the environment and vaulted off into the woods. Yamitsu couldn't even blink before she was gone, just like that. "That... was not a human."

He shook himself off. He had known whatever he heard couldn't have been human, but whatever she was, he didn't know.

"I should see if Ma had any books." He glanced around before stalking back into his lawn. He didn't know what to think, just that she didn't seem malicious, and at least he knew where the flowers were coming from, even if it was a bit odd.

Flurry leaned against the tree, breathing heavily. She had ran the entire way back out of panic; she wasn't expecting to be caught, not so soon, and he was a lot taller, and muscular, up close.

She had started watching him weeks before. She had seen him while she was searching for somewhere to camp and had come across the large house. The man who ran it had interested her, and she had been spying on him to get a better idea of what he was like.

Humans had interested her, one of the reasons she stopped hanging around the plane she came from. Her best friend had been human, the one she had stayed with for a few years after she had left.

The tree creaked above, causing her ears to flick, catching the noise.

"That was funny to watch." An unstable laugh called out above. Flurry's head shot up. Jazz lazed above her, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. His blue eyes sparked mischievously, framed by his limp green hair.

Jazz was a demon like her, only a different kind. Demons came in all shapes and sizes, species too, and were apart of different categories.

Flurry was a botanic demon, a demon of plants and nature, mixed with an adapter demon, which gave her chameleon attributes. Then there was the luck demon aspect, which she didn't like to talk about. She wasn't born with it.

Jazz was a decay demon, able to disintegrate living matter with a touch; sort of her opposite. Like many of his category, he had some issues, which caused him to be a little, not there.

He jumped down, standing at Flurry's height. He had more demonic features, with two curling black horns and dagger sharp fangs, which revealed as he spoke. "Sooo, why the sudden interest in that human?"

"His house is cute, and he's tall, and muscular, and-"

"Am I sensing something?" He smirked.

"No!" Flurry punched him in the arm. "Not like you'd know, you dickhead."

"Flurry, demons shouldn't be obviously seen." Jazz mocked, grinning as he leaned against a tree. "You said that."

"You actually listened to me?"

"I listen...sometimes."

"Suuuurre." She rolled her eyes and looked back the way she'd come. "Maybe I was a wee bit hypocritical. Doesn't matter!" She perked back up. "Let's go! Got places to be."

"Alrighty!" He laughed, shoving her. "Wanna mess with that old jerk on 5th?"

"Only if we don't destroy his garden." Flurry nudged him back. "I like gardens."

"I know. I don't see why."

"They're cool!"

"You just like plants, cause you're, you know, a plant demon."

"And you like causing problems, does that make you a problem demon?"

Jazz stopped and stared. Slowly, a smile cracked on his lips. "Snappy you will never get old, but the accent is still hard to understand."

"I know, I know. 5th street?"

"Righty-O!" He jogged off, Flurry hopping after him.

She glanced back one more time, before taking off after him. She'd come back later.

Words: 1269

It's a little fast paced, but I suddenly had this idea and wanted to write it.

It's a little confusing cause I didn't include much story building, but it gets the point across.

I hope you enjoyed. Have a good day/night. Bye!

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