FTO - A Fresh Start

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Au I'm working on. Modern supernatural au.


The street lambs glowed a soft yellow, illuminating the dark street, broken up by the lights of the small black car. It rumbled along the asphalt, passing through the gates of the small neighborhood. It was a restricted area, conserved for a specific group of supernatural, specifics he fell under.

He leaned against the window, dark eyes following the houses. Some of the houses were more awake than others; probably nocturnal supernaturals if he had a guess.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

He turned to the driver. His brother sat at the wheel studying the road ahead. With his dark clothes and red eyes, he looked almost vampiric, but the bone markings on his hands were a sign of his true abilities.

"Oh, just what this will be like. New house, new life, new people to deal with." He fidgeted nervously with his hands, frowning at the man beside him. "You sure you're ok paying for this?"

"You were living in my place anyways. This isn't so different. Besides, you're my brother. It's the least I can do." He shrugged, flashing a small smile at him.

"I owe you, not the reverse." He grumbled, dropping his shoulders in defeat. The atmosphere in the car shifted, darkening with the mood of the passenger.

The driver sighed, dropping the smile. "We're not gonna argue about this again, Devin."

"Come on Micheal, does this not feel like it's too much?"

"I didn't spend nearly a decade waiting for you like you were a missing pet not to help you whenever I can. The house isn't too big, so it will work perfectly for you, and I know a lot of the people here personally. It'll be great for you, and a worthy investment for me, so no, I don't think it's too much."

Devin studied him with narrowed eyes. He loved his brother, but sometimes his stubborn nature made it hard to deal with him.

"Oh, we're here."

Micheal turned the wheel, pulling into the short driveway.

The house before them was decent size, two stories tall, with a small front yard. It was set with house on either side, a fence splitting them up. One seemed to be empty, while the other appeared to have people in it. The house was dark in color, contrasting with the bright greenery.

"Oo, flower boxes." Devin sat up, his negative attitude being replaced by wonder. "I can plant something in them."

"And the backyard has a garden lot. You can plant flowers, vegatables. Maybe even a fungus garden." Micheal looked at him with confidence in his eyes. "Told you you'd like it."

"Oh how I've missed gardening." Devin sighed, a soft smile resting on his face. He blinked away the distraction and turned back to Micheal. "You said everything's already been delivered and set up, right?"

"Everything but the suitcases in the back." He turned the car off and opened the door, hopping out. "Come on, let's get you moved in."

Devin followed him with his eyes as the small magic user ducked around the side of the car. He opened his own door and got out, shaking out numb limbs. His eyes dragged across the street, taking in everything his saw. His house was nearly at the end of the street, with ended abruptly at the edge forest, only being separated by the empty house.

"That one across the street was the first house to built here. The demons that live in it decided to create this space for supernaturals who aren't as trusted in society, backed by me of course." He saw Devin's confused look and explained. "Criminals. Ones who used their abilities to cause harm. It's a space for them to learn and change that is safe and separate. Think probation."

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