OoO - Sandstorms, Pirates, and a Lot of Irony (accidental remake)

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Guess who deleted the original of this trying to delete another one. Me. I'm so pissed. I was proud of it too.

I don't even remember it fully, so now I have to rewrite it. Not having a good time.

Part 2 of Desert, redone I guess.


Bryan was really starting to hate the desert. The sand in his wings, the burning sun, the freezing nights; it was nothing like home.

They had been traveling for almost 3 days, and just by looking, you could tell they were all sick of it. Miguel had already made a few comments on how long it was taking them; apparently they'd be twice as close to their location if they weren't taking so many breaks. They would be going faster, if it wasn't for the fact only three of them could fly; Mario was still learning. He wasn't the best with wind yet.

Bryan shifted sand out of his wings for the millionth time, exhaling deeply in annoyance. Lychee looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Sand in your feathers?"

"Your tone isn't very nice." Bryan sighed. He shook himself, sand shaking from his hair and clothes. "Gods, I'm starting to miss Greece."

"Even Zeus?"

"Maybe not that much."

Lychee chuckled. He spun his scythe, narrowing his eyes in thought. "I'm starting to think that son of Ate cursed us."

"Jyles? That's not his style. He likes chaos, but even he knows better then to mess with this quest." Bryan glanced ahead, watching the others. "They don't seem concerned."

Miguel led the group at a brisk pace, hand resting on his sword that hung from his waist. Xylo and Kay walked on either side of him, talking in hushed tones. They had been given a spell by Hecate before they left, ensuring communication. Mario stuck close to Kay, never out of reach.

"Still. How much you wanna bet irony's gonna bite us in the ass again?"

"Not taking that bet."

"Hmm." Lychee drew his gaze to the horizon, eyes narrowed. He pointed, drawing Bryan's own gaze. "Is that worrisome to you?"

Bryan followed the direction of his finger, narrowing his own eyes to look. On the horizon, tall in the blue sky, dark clouds swirled, spiraling sand and blocking the view.

"That doesn't seem good. Hey Miguel?!"

"What?" Miguel called back, stopping to look at the laggers.

"Is that concerning."

Miguel followed the two demigods gaze. His eyes widened, a flicker of fear catching in his golden irises. "By Osiris's Grave, that's not good."

"What is that?" Mario stepped back. "Is that a storm?"

"Sandstorm." Miguel looked around, trying to spot something. Finally he stopped, looking at something only his falcon eyes could see. "There's a temple nearby that we can seek refuge in. Let's go."

"Are sandstorms bad?" Xylo followed Miguel closely.

"Think of sandstorms as large clouds that in-gulf you. You can't see, you can't hear. Sand is getting in your eyes and mouth. The wind is pushing you more and more as the storm tries to bury you. None of you are prepared." He stopped to look Mario in the eye. "Not even you."

"Reassuring." Mario mumbled, clutching the hilt of his sword.

They followed Miguel, Lychee leaning close to Bryan. "How's that for irony?"

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