OoO - The Children of Anubis

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Part 3 of The Desert


The one thing he had learned from years of fighting, is that the aftermath always hurt more.

You'd wake up in pain from injuries and sore from all the movement. You'd be unable to focus or even sometimes move at all.

Bryan could feel these familiar pains as he regained conciseness. He didn't open his eyes right away, tensing up his body as he awoke, which was bigger mistake, as that made the pain in his muscles flare. He focused on the world around him, getting a rough idea where he was without showing he was actually up.

Beneath him was a soft carpet, plush. He was still in the desert, he could tell by the heat, but this place was cooler then the outside, and he couldn't fell the sun either. It was also quiet, still. He was definitely inside someplace.

"I know you're awake. I heard your breathing change 2 minutes ago."

His body tensed up again, his wings folding close, which earned a hiss of pain this time. Slowly, he opened his eyes, looking around the room.

The room walls and ceiling were made of smooth sandstone, lit by soft lamps dangling around on chains. Scattered around was a collection of boxes and all sorts of objects, from potions, to scrolls, to even some jewels.

"Where?" Bryan sat up, wincing at his strained muscles. He turned around, finally spotting the person who had spoken.

He was sat against the wall, book in hand. He looked Egyptian to Bryan, with light brown skin and fluffy hair that faded to a dull red and rested just above his shoulders. The features Bryan was quick to notice was the fact he didn't appear fully human. Instead of round ears, he had tall, fluffy ones, like a fox or wolf, and he had a tail too, the same shade as his hair. If Bryan had a guess, he was a demigod.

The person was studying Bryan calmly, his dark purple eyes glowing behind a pair of glasses. He leaned forward, and when he spoke again, revealed sharp canines. "So, may I ask how you got here, or who you are in the first place?"

"Um, who are you? Where am I?" Bryan finally spotted a door, which just so happened to be next to the mysterious person. "How did you find me?"

"You crashed nearby. Looks like you got quite banged up." He closed the book and stood. "My name is Inpu, son of Anubis. Now you."

"Inpu? You're the one we're looking for!" Bryan scrambled to stand, hovering on shaking legs. His wings fluffed up, folding close against his back. "Mikael said you could help us. We came here to talk to Anubis about something, Mario and Xylo won't share what, and apparently the entrance Mikael was going to use was sealed."


"Greeks. Greek demigods." Bryan's gaze followed Inpu as the Egyptian demigod circled him, his ears flicking and tail wagging with curiosity. "I'm Bryan, by the way, son of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty."

"Beauty? That makes sense." Inpu hummed, stopping before him. "I thought you were Greek, so that fits my theory. How does Mikael plan to find us?"

"Someone named Cal." Bryan brushed past the beauty comment, too distracted by the room, and everything that had happened. "Reincarnation of Khonsu."

"Ah, that makes sense. He does know we're here. A few demigods do, but he's probably the best bet; least likely to cause problems." He walked over to a nearby box, pulling an item off the top. He headed back over, offering Bryan's sword. "Took it off you when I brought you here."

"Thanks." Bryan took it, latching it around his waist. He shook his body, loosening worn and stiff muscles. "So, do you know a way to your dad, or?"

"Straight to the point on that matter, but fair. I do." Inpu chuckled. "If your friends are going to Cal, then they'll find their way here. Want something to eat? Drink? Want a tour? It's been a while since I've given a tour. People don't come around here, like, ever, so..."

"Definitely could use some water, and I'd love a tour." Bryan smiled. He was glad he was found by the one person they were looking for; it made things so much easier for him.

"Right, let's see if I can do this without being too 'know-it-all-y'." Inpu clapped. He smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Well, let's get into the sun, shall we?"

Cal closed his scroll with a sigh. Another useless story.

The reincarnation of Khonsu had spent months researching as much as possible on his godly patron, trying to learn all he could. It had its up and downs, as most things do, but the last few had been more downs then usual.

He leaned on the desk, closing his eyes with a deep exhale. He opened them again, taking in the cluttered desk-space and splattering of ink and quills.

His body froze as a familiar sense ran through him. He looked at the doorway, narrowing his eyes. Someone was here.

Cal grabbed his dagger, gripping it tightly in his freckled hand. He slipped out the door and into the hallways of his home, a redone temple to Khonsu. He walked past the carved stone walls, stopping in the shadows before the main chamber, a dome with a skylight and paintings of the night sky. A group stood scattered around it, looking around curiously.

One stopped to look near where he stood, his red eyes sweeping over him. He was shorter than most of the others, with freckled skin and pale white hair. He stared at Cal, raising an eyebrow. "You have glowing hair."

This caused everyone to look where he stood. He didn't blend in very well, not with the fact his hair glowed in the dark, a lovely part of being a moon demigod. Cal stepped forward, slipping the dragger away at the sight of a familiar demigod.

"Oh, hey Mikael. What's with the non-Egyptian entourage? At least, I assume not Egyptian."

"Greek, so you're correct." Mikael moved closer from his spot in the middle to talk to Cal. "Anubis locked us out of the underworld, and we need to talk to him about something. We need to find Inpu and Magnus, since they probably know where to go. And rumor says you are one of the ones who can find them."

"Point to you, I suppose. Anubis huh." Cal looked around, studying them. "Are you sure? Inpu and Magnus won't be happy if I just show up with uninvited guests, especially if it involves their dad."

"This will be an order from the pharaoh, and they don't really have much choice. Neither do we."

Cal stood silent for a moment before sighing. "Give me a moment to pack a few things."

"Lovely. Thank you for cooperating." Mikael turned and walked out one doorway, the one that led to the sitting area.

"What happened to you guys? You're covered in dirt and wounds." Cal looked at the one who had first spotted him, but the one in armor spoke first.

"Sandstorm with pirates."

"Oh, yeah that makes sense. You can go sit down if you want. Just, don't break anything, please." Cal walked through the center area, towards the opposite hallway, which led to his room. "I've collected a lot."

"Noted." One nodded. He was twitchier then the rest, with small sparks of lightning dancing in his black hair.

"We'll keep that in mind." The women next to him stated, grinning a calming smile, which wasn't very calming with her fangs.

"Ook..." Cal darted into the hallway, before stopping to shake his head and sigh. "Maybe I should have gone the solitude route. Sounds quite enjoyable right about now. Inpu won't be the happiest, that's for sure."

Words: 1318

I hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day/night. Bye!

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