FTO - Blinding Love

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So, this is a random thing I thought of using the phrase 'love is blind'. It's another Ritchie x Devin one.

The timeline works the same as the last one shot.

Bit of warning; injuries and mention of alcoholism


Devin walked through the garden, humming to himself. He enjoyed taking walks, they helped cool his head in times of stress. Baking normally worked as well, but he'd already used up his baking ingredients and hadn't made anymore yet.

He reached up and brushed a hanging branch. The green leaves sparkled in the morning dew. Sighing softly, he sunk back down.

A nearby rumble caught Devin's attention. He looked over at the training field. Clouds gathered above, cackling with red-tinted lightning.

"What's going on with lightning boy?" Eden asked suddenly.

"Like you care." Devin sighed. "I don't know. I should probably go check."

"I don't know, Devin. I normally don't care what you do, but this is our body. He's pretty aggressive angry, and that storm suggests angry. He could hurt us if we head over there."

"He wouldn't."

"But he could."

Devin sighed deeply. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, debating what to do. Finally he chose to go check it out.

Sparks danced across Ritchie's skin as he threw bolt after bolt at the charred dummy. Anger radiated off him as he did.

Devin stopped at the edge of the area, concern written all over his face. He wanted to move closer, and would if it wasn't for the energy cackling in the air.

"Ritchie?" He called. When he got no response, he tried again. "Ritchie!?" Once again, no response. "Damnit."

He slowly stepped into the arena, ignoring Eden's warnings. He hovered closer, reaching over to his partner.

Without so much as a hesitation, Ritchie spun around with lightning building up in his hands. Devin scrambled back, but there wasn't further to go as the lightning blasted.

The last thing he saw was the wide terrified eyes of his partner as Ritchie attempted to stop the bolt before it speared him.

He was successful; the bolt exploded before it hit Devin, but it didn't leave him uninjured.

Burning pain filled his body as he fell. Everything was fuzzy. He could hear someone running towards him and feel them catching him. He could hear yelling. But he couldn't see past the fuzzy shield that covered his eyes.

Blinding pain overtook him. He couldn't scream or cry, just sit there in agony until his body gave in and he finally passed out.

The last thing he could hear was Ritchie pleading.

"He will be ok." Lafo stepped back and looked at the people in the room. "Given a few weeks to a couple months, his sight will return and he will be alright."

"Thank you Lafo." Brandon nodded from his spot against the wall. He was one of the four people in the room, the other three being closer to the bed. "We'll call you to check back up on him in a couple days."

"Ok, be sure he gets plenty of rest. See you all later." Lafo left the room, leaving them to discuss alone.

"I can't believe Ritchie did this." Micheal sat next to the bed holding Devin's hand. His face was twisted into a scowl as he beheld his brother.

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