FTO - Crash Landing

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Alien au


Humans were one of the most strange aliens to exist. They come from a planet full of all sorts of life, yet seemed to be the only one in their system. They don't have any unique abilities or evolutions that make them superior, yet they were considered an oddity to many species. This included Devin's.

He had been told from a young child to keep to his own system, out of fear for his life. He was from a nearly extinct species, one that's home world sees them as inexpendable. This meant his sort-of caretaker had to keep an eye on him at all times, especially after what he did.

Devin was from a species that were able to transfer energy from their aura, a sort of magic energy that almost all living beings possess, though everyone had a different name, into magic. Devin used this magic to create. As long as he knew what it looked like and what it was called, he could create it from nothing but his own natural energy.

This magic was incredibly dangerous, and can mess with one's emotions and mind. Devin had managed to use his magic to split his mind, nearly blocking out the good in him as the bad took over. Luckily, his caretaker was very powerful as well, being half of the same species as Devin, and having the control of death and shadow from his own species.

Those strong abilities hadn't helped him here.

The ship he had been on had an engine blow. It was going to take the entire crew out in one fell swoop. Micheal, Devin's friend and guardian, and shoved him into an escape pod, much against Devin's attempts to stay.

Devin couldn't do anything as the escape pod launched, leaving him to watch as the ship exploded.

He knew Micheal would be fine, that man was hard to kill, but the rest of the crew.

His mind, the dark parts that had named themself Eden, told him not to cry, that they had bigger problems, which was true; their pod was not only beginning to break, but it decided to do that as they entered a nearly empty system.

"I need a planet to land on, now!" Devin panicked as he scrambled around, trying to keep the pod together.

'What system are we in?' Eden asked, coming from the corners of his mind. He appeared at the worst times mostly, but now wasn't a bad one.

"Um, shoot, uh." Devin pulled up the console. "Well, we're in the Milky Way galaxy."


"I know, I know. Earth! We're in Earth's system. It's the closet habited planet. We have to go there."

'Humans are awful.'

"Well, yes, but-" suddenly the ship lurched, sending Devin to the floor. He cursed as he landed on his side hard. The pod stuttered, grumbling. "We're out of time. Earth has to be it."

He typed the planet into the navigation, managing to click the send button as the pod tossed him around again.

He slammed into one of the walls and ceiling, his heading cracking against the side. He fell to the ground with a thud, spots appearing in his vision. He tried to sit up, only to fall again with another curse.

The ship blinked away as he faded, everything around him slipping away into darkness. He saw a flicker of space speeding by before he passed out completely.

Ritchie stretched, running a hand through his messy blue hair. He fiddled with his bandana before letting the ends lay back down.

He stood, the grass around him sunk down from the last few hours. He had come out to take a break and watch the stars away from his brother and some of their friends.

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