FTO - Council (Entertainers Part 2)

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Flurry looked at the building before her, in awe of the design. It was a large, marble courthouse, decorated in stain windows and gold-painted wooden posts.

"Expensive." Jazz laughed. "Way too fancy for us! You sure about this one?"

"This was your plan!" Flurry's accent slipped through as she exclaimed. "Besides, there's no going back now."

"Let's just get this over with." Davis piped up behind them. He stretched out, his yawn revealing sharp canines made of silver, a common trait for his kind.

"Yes, let's do this."

Flurry took the first few steps, Jazz hopping up beside her. They pushed open the doors and stepped inside, halting the conversation in its track.

The people around the room looked at them, some curious and some bored.

They headed in, stopping in the middle. Jazz stepped forward with a grin. "Why hello!"

"Who are you?" The one in the middle (a cat?) leaned forward. "Who allowed you to come in?"

"Your door was unlocked." Davis answered him, interrupted whatever nonsense Jazz was about to spout.

Flurry listened to them talk, but she had grown distracted looking around at the people above them.

One seemed familiar, but she couldn't place it. He sat off to the side alongside another. Both had noticeable horns, and when they raised their hands, they revealed scales, but the first didn't seem like a normal halfling to her.

He had split white and magenta hair, with tan skin and red eyes. He got involved in the conversation, revealing that he didn't have sharp canines like most of his species.

"Is he a halfling?" Flurry nudged Davis and whispered to him, motioning to the familiar man.

"Smells like one, but it's hard to tell. He different then most. The one next to him for sure is one." He whispered back, before returning to interrupting Jazz's rambles.

She hummed, nodding. She hadn't known any halflings before Davis, demons yes, dragons no, so why did that halfling seem so familiar.

"They came in from the docks."

Flurry looked over at the new voice and froze. That was a face she remembered.

He had light skin and dark blue hair, paired with a yellow bandana and single horn. His blue eyes met hers as she stared wide-eyed at him. The name rang through her thoughts. 'Ritchie.'

"I saw them." He said after a moment, turning his gaze to the cat. "They arrived with two others, a kid and a girl if I had to guess."

"Kid and-? Oh, Damian and Juno." Flurry shook herself off, pushing down the memories that surfaced in her mind. He didn't seem to recognize her, so she should be fine. "They are two of our members, sort of. Damian's just here cause of Davis."

"Member huh. So, you want a permit to perform in our city?" The cat asked. "We need to know some things first. For one thing, what are your motives."

"Money, entertainment, joy." Flurry listed off. The other two stepped back to let her speak up. She smiled at them and continued. "We came here to start a new life and bring joy to the people of this city. We want to run a circus, where everyone can come, regardless of wealth, and see shows, eat food, you name it. We employ based off if you can work, not what can you do or what your species is. The point is to bring happiness. If we get a permit, that's what we will do."

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