OoO - Httyd au

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Welcome to a new one shot book, cause I have issues making actual stories and one
Shots or only a couple chapter length works better.

As I said, I'll write origins oneshots most likely. I post with no schedule so sorry if it takes me a while sometimes. I might write the occasional hermitcraft, empires, maybe even afterlife, but it'll all depend.

I'm starting off with OoO cause I loved this series, specifically season 2-3.


Bryan had gotten used to having only dragons for friends. He had been ostracized and ignored, all because of his mistake; he let his anger get the better of him and in the end sided with a mad man.

His best friend, his dragon Helios, had stuck with him. Dragons were the best judges of character, and Helios staying made Bryan feel a lot better about what happened.

Now the two sat on the roof, watching below. A large group of people were joining the safe haven, the village Oasis. The newest group was the first one Bryan has been there to see enter, led by a man named Miguel, who had joined a few weeks ago.

Three of them stuck close around a red and black triple-strike, a rare and dangerous dragon he'd only ever seen once, now twice, in his lifetime. The one riding the dragon was tanned with shaved sides in his hair and a braided section running to his shoulders. He was laughing loudly at the two who were walking.

They were obviously siblings, both sharing the same dark skin and hair. Gems glittered in the smaller ones hair and knives hit against their legs. The taller one held himself like he was smarter then everyone here. A pair of glasses rested over dark eyes, and he for some reason held a book.

The forth walked further back, seeming to have no connection to the others outside of Miguel. He had vibrant teal hair, a shade Bryan had never seen before, but what truly caught Bryan's attention was the Night-Light that walked by his side.

Night-Lights were very rare. A creature born to the two types of furies. Furies weren't common, preferring to stick to their specific sub-species ever since the nightfuries were brought back from near extinction, so a mix was even rarer.

Bryan leaned forward curiously, trying to gage a better look at the newcomers. He wanted to go down and meet them, having met a few newcomers already, but Xylo, Kayla, and Mario were already approaching them, and he did not want to deal with them.

A light nudge drew his attention to the side. Helios, his Stormcutter, stared at him with a twisted head, courtesy of the dragon's owl-like neck. He nudged him again, flicking one of his wings below.

"No, Helios, I'm not gonna deal with the humiliation." Bryan turned away, crossing his arms to end the conversation.

Helios wasn't having any of that. He huffed, blowing smoke in Bryan's face. Bryan ignored him, or tried to, until Helios went with the aggressive option.

The dragon's mouth latched onto Bryan's boot and dragged, causing him to yelp in surprise. The two landed on the ground with a thud, far enough away that no one had saw. The dragon used his size to keep the human in place.

"Helios, what the heck!" Bryan shoved the dragon off and stood and shaky legs. He dusted himself off and glared. "That was rude!"

Helios returned his glare, refusing to back down. He nodded at the main clearing; his message was clear.

"You're a jerk." He obliged. Careful to not be seen by the small crowd, Bryan slipped into an alleyway and leaned against a wall.

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