FTO - Fairies

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Honestly, this has a minor base of Tinkerbell, but not.

So, fairy au, with a sort of twist. There are three different types of Fairy, each one more powerful then the last, each able to do something the other couldn't.

This chapter doesn't have much story building or dramatic events, just a moment between two Sprites.

If I dive more into this au, I'll go more dramatic.


The sun peeked through the window of his workshop as Pat played with the mechanics of his most recent invention. He hadn't been able to work on anything for months, not since he made a deal with a Faerie. After that, the life of a simple Engineer Sprite was over.

He held up the invention, a simple metal infused piece of wood at the moment, and sighed. "Damnit. Can't get this right."

Setting it down, he grabbed the tools and went back to tinkering. His bee wings flicked against his back, buzzing to move, but he didn't have much time to himself, and he didn't plan on spending it flying.

While he worked, he blocked out sounds around him, including the door.

It creaked softly on its hinges as the Sprite slipped in, bouncing on her toes. Her bee wings buzzed in humor as she snuck up behind him, purple eyes glittering with mischief.

She stopped behind his chair, arms raised, and with a snicker, grabbed his shoulders aggressively in one quick, silent move. "Whatcha doing, Pat?"

"Gah!" He flinched, flinging his tools and jolting her back. He spun, his gun drawn to point at her head. It had been an invention he had copied off humans he studied as a kid, and was quite useful. His confusion melted away as he recognized the clown before him. "Dang it, Fleurette. I could of shot you."

"But you didn't." She pushed the muzzle away and hopped back with a giggle. She was dressed in her usual clown attire, with rosy pink cheek and a bright bow holding her hair up. Her wings buzzed happily as she leaned close to Pat, freckled face beaming. "Ooo, what's that?"

"Nothing, at the moment." Pat slipped the gun back into its holster that hung at his hips. "Why are you here?"

"Can't I visit my best friend?" Flurry threw an arm around Pat's shoulder, leaning against his body.

"Yes, but you didn't know if I was in control." Pat wrapped an arm around her waist to give her a quick side-hug, before slipping out of her grasp. "Don't you have a carnival to run, or a certain Pixie to avoid?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Flurry crossed her arms and huffed. "Anyways, I wanted to see if you wanted to go flying. You know, hop some flowers, scare some bugs, fun time stuff."

"We don't want to damage the flowers, Flur." He walked around his chair and grabbed his bag off of a nearby hanger. "I didn't plan on going flying. I have full control for a bit, and I want to use it."

"Than use it flying." Flurry shoved him, her wings buzzing as she pouted. "Please, Pat. We haven't hung out in so long. We can get tea~"

"Hmph." Pat swung his bag over his shoulder, securing it to his belt. "I don't know, Flurry."

"Pleeease." She wined again. She grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. "I'm not giving up until you say yes."

Pat studied her, his brown eyes glittering with a sense of adventure. "Alright, a few minutes."

"Yes!" She jumped back, floating off the ground for a second. She clapped excitedly, bouncing on her feet. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

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