FTO - A Romantic Gesture

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I really wanna right a Ritchie x Devin oneshots. (Revin?) I have another idea in the works, I just haven't worked on it.

This is a universe where nobody died.


Ritchie wasn't used to doing new things, as many fail to believe. New things throw him off and make him twitchy. This made finding a new idea for a romantic gift a bit difficult.

"You know, Devin is fine with just Chocolates and flowers." Lucas pointed out. The god-slayer sat across from him with Blake, who was nodding along to her partner. They were some of the only other options to ask, since most of the couples on the island weren't the super romantic type. "Why not get him those?"

"I always get him those." Ritchie sunk back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "He doesn't like expensive gifts. I could take him somewhere, but I've already done that twice now in the last couple weeks and I want to do something new."

"Well, what type of things have you done in the past? In other relationships?" Blake asked.

"I haven't had many actual relationships. The closest would be Flurry, and even then it wasn't super romantic, at least I wasn't."

"What did you guys do for dates or gifts?"

"Stole and took walks on the beach." He shrugged. "Messed with people from time to time."

"So, nothing from then would be an option. Got it." Lucas tapped his fingers on the desk. "I got nothing. Stuff we normally do for each other and Brandon wouldn't really fit you two."

"What if you bake him something!" Blake exclaimed. "It would show an appreciation for his hobbies and show you put effort into your twos' relationship."

"Oh yeah, that would be a pretty good idea." Lucas agreed. "Bake him brownies or a cake or maybe-"

"Uhm, minor problem with that idea." Ritchie interrupted. "I can't bake for shit."

"Ah, that is a bit of a problem." Lucas leaned back. He looked away in thought.

"Aren't there people who know how to bake in this guild?" Galren's voice rang through Lucas's ears. "Outside of Dr. Goody-Two-shoes of Mr. 'I'm a god' of course."

"Yeah, there are." Lucas agreed. The other two looked at him. "Oh, sorry, Galren. There are people here outside of Devin who can bake, right?"

"Oo, like Laura." Blake said. "She can bake. Why don't you ask her?"

"Huh, yeah, maybe that could work." Ritchie hummed. "Actually yeah, I'll go ask her."

"Good, now that that's decided, I'm going to go meditate." Lucas stood and pushed his chair in. He ran a hand through Blake's hair, earning a light smack from the dragon-slayer. "Send someone if you need me."

"See you later." Blake called after him. She stood as well and smiled at Ritchie. "Good luck with this plan. I'm going to go train with Mario."

"Alright, thanks for the help." Ritchie tapped his desk. "Now to find Laura."

"You know baking isn't that hard, right?"

Ritchie glared at his guildmate, who shifted away. Laura's tail flicked behind her as she moved to read the recipes she had pulled out.

"So you wanna bake a cake or?"

"I don't know, Laura." Ritchie sighed and pinched his nose. "I don't know anything about baking."

"Then let's go simple." She picked one and showed it to Ritchie. "Vanilla cupcakes."

"Great, how badly can this go."

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