OoO HTTYD - A Part of the Story

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Part 2 of my HTTYD AU.


The board seemed to stare at him as he studied the pieces calmly. It was boring to play alone, but he found it most enlightening.

A ray of sunlight lit the tent brightly as someone entered. A tall figure overshadowed him, earning a small sigh as the he spoke.

"Still playing that childish board game?" He walked in strut like fashion over to the chair across from the him. He wore his usual dark clothes rimmed in gold with a feathered cloak connected to his waist like a skirt. His ombré hair stood up like fire, black to white to purple. He sat down and reached forward to flick a piece. "This game brings back some memories."

"It's not childish, Drannus." He rolled his eyes, soft green instead of bright in the lantern lights. "You only say that cause you always lost."

"That's not true, Rosey." Drannus smirked, a smile dancing on his face. "I beat your brother."

"Everyone beat Xiphos." Rose leaned back against his chair and swept a hand across the board. "Not much of an accomplishment."

"Wow, I thought you got mad when people insulted your moron of a brother."

"I'm the only one who can insult him, Drannus, don't forget that." He held up the piece he had grabbed and turned it in his hand. "Any word from the lackey you sent to Oasis?"

"I wouldn't call him a lackey." Drannus responded. "And no. If I don't get any soon, though, I will have to go have a word with him."

"Lackey's are annoying, aren't they."

"You would know, wouldn't you."

Rose's smirk turned to a sneer. His grip tightened on the game piece until cracks formed. With a slam, he hit it into the board, breaking apart the well known piece; the traiter.

"Bryan cared too much about his village." Rose snarled. "And I'm going to make sure he regrets turning his back on me and my mission."

"How, he kicked your ass last time." Drannus stated slyly. "Remember?"

"I do, but this time I have new allies, ones who are willing to help in exchange for promises of their own." He flicked his hand in a dismissive way. "Now leave."

"You aren't the boss of me, Rosey." He stood and brushed off his clothes. "But I do have plans to bully some new recruits with Set."

"Right, the 'I want to be chief' man." Rose nodded at the tent door. "Leave."

"Whatever, Rosey."

"I hate that nickname."

The tent went back to its darker interior as the tent flap closed, leaving him to his own devices; plotting the next step.

"Soon the humans that oppose me will be gone, and I'll finally be free to rule over who's left."

Inpu still wasn't used to flying on his own. The village had dragons who had no owners for those who didn't have one to ride, or just didn't want a rider, so he had chose to dedicate time to learning.

The dragon flicked, letting out a rattle sound. They were a razorwhip that had grown attached to Magnus and in turn him. The former refused to call them he or she cause pronouns are their choice, which confused some of the other riders.

Inpu hummed to himself as he studied the rocks below. He had started mapping out the places he's been as a hobby to keep him busy; that and comparing notes on dragons with Xylo.

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