OoO - A Demonic Flower

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A modern au of sorts. I've made different characters different species instead of a bunch of demigods (gods exist but not in that way)


"What happened. Where is he?!"

"They're gone."

"What do you mean 'gone'?"

"It means you won't see them again." ... "I'm done. I'm going home."

"Bryan, wait-"

"Let him go; he did what we asked, and now we're done."

Flowers, beautiful flowers of reds and blues and gold and more; they were all around him. He carefully pruned, humming at the familiar prick of thorns and sweet scents. Gardening was his passion and favorite hobby. It helped distract him.

He glanced at the nearby bushes, face twisting at the red roses that took up most of his front garden. They were a sad memory, but he loved them too much to get rid of.

"Dad!" A child ran up to him, a large smile on their face. Lotus, the youngest of the triplets, stood out quite a lot. They had dark purple hair that faded to light purple and pointed fox ears. Their red eyes stood out against their dark skin. Their little wings, too small to fly with, flapped behind them as they ran up to their dad. They held out a bouquet of flowers. "Look how many flowers I collected!"

"You made sure to not pick too many of the same, correct?" He took the flowers and softly checked them. "Seems like it. Amazing job, Lotus."

"Yay!" Lotus clapped to themself, jumping up and down with joy. Their tail wagged as they did so.

He smiled to himself. He's only had kids for 4 years now, and he loved them with all his hearts. They reminded him time and time again of his siblings, from his biological sisters to his adopted siblings.


"Huh?" He looked over. Lotus was watching him with confused, wide eyes. "Oh, sorry Lotus, I blanked." He set the flowers in the basket beside him carefully and stood, wings flicking across his back. "Why don't you go find your siblings; I believe they're in the kitchen with Auncle Magnus."

"Ok, Dad!" Lotus threw their arms around Bryan before running off, stumbling a bit as they did. They were the second to learn to walk but still struggled from time to time.

He sighed and picked up his supplies, a bag of tools and the basket, before turning to look at the sun. It was warm and bright and reminded him of good times.

With a simple shake, he pushed away his thoughts and began walking, heading towards the garden shack that he took well care of. He slipped inside with a short wave at the groundskeeper, a nice man he had hired to attend to the grass; the flowers were all handled by he himself, though he helped during the time when he worked and his husband stayed home.

He dropped his bag on the counter, eyes darting to a picture he kept in the shack. It was at least a couple decades old, from before his sibling had changed.

His sibling looked as he used to in it. Light brown hair and tanned skin with vibrant green eyes. A beautiful face, curtesy of his mom, added to with a golden flower they kept in prime condition. A mini disguise to pretend to be human; though he had done the same for years.

He had changed over the years. Then he had brown hair, dyed to better fit in with humans and ease his illusion, and tried to tone down more. It was during a time when people like him were unliked. He dressed in less vibrant colors and accesories, and had no wedding ring in sight.

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