OoO - Steven Universe AU

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This doesn't really follow a plot, just idea. I made a drawing for it, which I'll post eventually.


The other worlds had always drawn his attention. Since he was a young gem, fresh from the ground, placed in the service of a sapphire, he had been drawn to living beings, to the plants and lifeforms of other planets. That all grew when he was brought to Earth.

Earth held everything that he had grown to love. The life and warmth that Homeworld lacked. His sapphire at the time had been sent to help colonize the planet, and as their personal dancer and servant, he had gone with.

He fell in love with earth, fell in love with the humans there. His love for Earth overtook his fear, and he chose to leave the court.

He wasn't a fighter. He was a moonstone, gems made to dance for their owner. He wasn't supposed to enjoy fighting, not when there were quartzes, but he still did. He learned to fight from a Spinel, but that did not lead in the right direction.

While fighting with the rebellion, he was corrupted. He couldn't remember much of those years, just anger and greed, and causing pain to many.

He had been brought back at one point, how, he did not know. What he did know was that nobody trusted him. So he stayed to wilderness of Earth, talking to the few humans he met and avoiding the gems he saw.

One human helped him find a new name. Moonstone wasn't exactly a blend-in name on Earth, which did not help his already inhuman features at all. The name was simple, but it felt right. Bryan, a human name; his name.

He lived among the small group of humans for a few decades, before he met someone new.

The gem had claimed to be a scholar, wanting to learn about the life on this planet, the planet where the rebellion started. They talked, and as Bryan got to know him, he began to see them as a true friend, something he had not had in his own kind in a while.

The gem was Bloodstone, but like Bryan, he went by a different name to separate him from the others. His name was derived from his facet number, though it didn't sound like a facet number to Bryan; Inpu.

Inpu and the two gems he traveled with, who he called his siblings, lived on Earth with Bryan for some time, and during that time, him and Bryan began to see each other as more than friends.

One day, Inpu decided he wanted to show Bryan around some of space that he felt he'd like. After some reluctance, Bryan agreed, and they left the planet he had called home for decades.

They met gems of all sorts, some who decided to check out Earth after stories, some who were less then peaceful. They spent many years at peace, until the news was brought to them; the war was starting again.

They had returned home, and with a lot of hesitation, Bryan returned to his old friends. They agreed to let him help out, not without some anger and a lot of hesitation, and with that, he was back in the rebellion.

And that led to his current predicament; fighting for the good of Earth.

Bryan rested his body against the stony cliffs of the kindergarten, his light formed wings ruffling against the rock. He calmly looked below at the up-and-coming army. His hand rested over the gem that sat within his chest, the cool colored crystal glowing a soft white.

He drew his sword, a pale yellow weapon shaped like a star. He spun the weapon as he prepared to pounce.

With quick, fluid motions, he shot into the air, and dove.

The first two quartzes he hit poofed within a second, the ones around them soon following. The purple and red gems turned to face him, a few giving sounds of surprise at the sight of a Moonstone with a weapon.

"You Oasis members really are bold, coming alone." The agate that led the group stepped forward. She drew a long whip from her gem, cracking it against the ground. "How brave. A dancer trying to be a warrior."

"Smug. Your high status won't protect you. Leave this planet, and I won't bubble you." Bryan straitened, his wings fading back into his body.

"Ha, you entertain me, moonstone, as you should."

Bryan narrowed his eyes, the purple irises glittering with annoyance. He hated when others referred to him like a servant.

He glanced around at the surrounding gems, and after a second, sighed. "Hard way it is."

He lunged, and with a large swipe, sliced right through Agate's whip. She poofed with a shocked look, dropping into Bryan's hand. He bubbled it quickly, sending it away before he returned to his defensive stance.

"I warned her, and I'm warning you all." Bryan looked around. "Leave."

They looked at each other, but none moved. Quartzes followed orders, and there was a very low chance they'd go against.

"Fine then. Guess we're doing this."

Bryan dusted off his coat, sighing. He looked across the old kindergarten, eyes saddened. "This will never end, will it."

"One day it will. We just have to keep fighting."

Bryan turned, a smile stretching across his face at the familiar friend, well, more than friend.

Inpu was taller than him by a couple inches, with warm red-orange skin and dark green-to-red hair. His dark red eyes shone behind green tinged glasses. He stood out quite a lot, with a gem rested over the socket of his right arm, which of course meant he only had one.

Bloodstones were naturally made fighters and wardens, with the ability to manipulate darkness, but Inpu was no fighter, at least, not if he had the choice. His push to be what he wasn't made to be made him all the more intriguing in Bryan's eyes.

The ring shined on his ring finger as he slipped his only hand into Bryan's, intertwining their fingers. He looked across the vast, dark place with a curious look. He was not created in your average kindergarten. Like Bryan, he was formed somewhere different, somewhere unique.

"I still don't know how I pulled that off." Bryan chuckled. His laughter faded as he looked around at the walls.

"Honestly, me neither... that look tells me something else is on your mind." Inpu noted. "Everything alright?"

"Just tired." Bryan sighed. He was used to Inpu knowing everything. He could read him better than anyone. After all, he was the only person Bryan had fused with within recent years. "Even though gems can't get tired."

"I mean, we sort of can." Inpu shrugged. "It's complicated."

"Can't deny that. Let's get home." He walked over to the nearby warp pad, pulling Inpu with him. "I need to report this before I can go and relax in the garden."

"You're the boss."

Bryan smiled. One of the few good parts of their kind were people like him, like Inpu. Those he broke the mold. Those who fought for life, rather than expansion.

Words: 1186

Au idea that I might expand on. Who knows with me.

I hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day/night. Bye!

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