OoO - Cut Apart over a Chalice

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Percy Jackson au


Bryan hated solo quests more than anything. He hated running around by himself, with nothing helping him except his celestial bronze sword and charmspeak, which he didn't want to use.

The quest was to find and return an artifact for his mom. She had been making him run errands like this for months, ever since Bryan took that magic sword that nearly killed everyone, including himself. This was his punishment, finding stupid artifacts for the petty goddess of love.

He had ended up in an old museum. The artifact was in their Greek exhibit, so they at least got that right. All Bryan had to do was come in with a group and climb into the rafters using a pendent he had earned at 12, one that temporarily gave him wings. Mortals ignored what they couldn't understand, so they didn't question where he went.

He slipped into the exhibit after hours. The alarms didn't react to him walking right through the doors, which was really quite pathetic in his opinion.

The object in question, a golden chalice, sat within a glass box. Carvings decorated it, hearts and stars mixed in with swirls. Bryan moved to rest his hand on the glass but stopped. The museum might of had alarms on it.

"I could slice it open." Bryan muttered. "Or.. pick the lock? No, last time I tried that, I got caught."

He stepped back and circled the case. The case sat near the back with other simple artifacts. The center of the room was taken up by a recreation of some temple. Along the walls were paintings and plaques, depicting the deities of Bryan's pantheon. Sat near the other door, across from where Bryan entered, was a desk.

"Maybe someone left something there." He carefully crossed the room and ducked behind the desk. There wasn't much back there aside from an old computer and filing cabinets. Bryan tugged on one, which was quite useless, when there was a clear as day lock. "This I can break."

He slipped his hand into the pocket of his coat, a thick, crème colored one with dark brown fur on the hood, which he had gotten as a gift from his sister for his eighteenth birthday. He wore it to most missions now.

The object he drew from his pocket was a coin, with a realistic heart on one side and a dove on the other. He flipped it, catching a sword.

It was a slim rapier, celestial bronze, with a leather grip wrapped around the handle, standing out against the cage around it. It's hilt was decorated with the design of flowers, roses to be exact, and birds. If it wasn't for how useful his sword was, or how long he had had it, he wouldn't have kept it.

He smashed the butt of the sword into the lock. It broke off and hit the ground with a clatter. He pulled open the drawer.

"Damnit, only files." He shoved the drawer closed and stood. He brought his attention back to the chalice and sighed. "Screw this, I'm cutting it open and hoping."

He hopped the counter and strolled back over, sword tight in his grip. Bryan raised the weapon. He tapped the glass front with the tip of the blade; nothing happened.

"Alright, let's try this." Carefully, Bryan slid the edge of the blade around the front in a circle. After several loops, it popped out. Bryan lunged, catching the glass before it hit any surface and broke. He set it on top of the box and withdrew the chalice.

The golden surface was cold against Bryan's palms. He spun it, admiring the intricate patterns the adorned the cup. "Easy enough."

He just had to say that, didn't he.

The roar that followed shook him to his core. Bryan clenched his sword and stolen loot as he stumbled. Another roar called out, closer this time.

Bryan didn't think, just moved. He ducked behind the nearest desk as heavy footsteps entered.

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