OoO - Returning to Camp

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Part 3 of Percy Jackson au


After a few days of 'rest' in the magicians house, Bryan was feeling great. It took him a bit before it stopped hurting to laugh, and his bandages on his stomach could be removed, but once they were, he felt much better.

Cal said the sphinx scratches would scar, which wasn't unexpected; The way Inpu described the initial wounds told Bryan it could of been much worse.

He leaned back against the couch, flipping through the book he had borrowed from the library. Most of the magicians were at school, Inpu being the only one old enough to not have to go, being 19.

"How'd you get out of school anyways?"

Bryan looked up, smiling at his new friend. Inpu leaned against the back of the couch, curiously studying him. He had let his shoulder length hair lay down rather then pulled back like usual, and was dressed in a simple red hoodie and jeans, rather then his normally nicer style. He balanced two coffees in hand, offering one to Bryan.

"Chiron has his ways, and besides, it's spring semester, and I don't have finals for another few weeks." Bryan took the coffee and sipped it, humming. "When did you go to get this?"

"Had to pick up something in town." Inpu walked around the edge of the couch and sat beside Bryan. His dark eyes looked off, distant. "My dad called for a check in earlier."

"Did you tell him about me?" Inpu had told Bryan a bit about his father, about how he was a big player in the magician world, and the only reason they could study magic like they do. He had mentioned keeping Bryan a secret, concerned on how the magicians would feel about demigods, which sounded fair to Bryan.

"Nope." Inpu sipped his coffee, the steam fogging up his glasses, causing Bryan to snicker. He kicked him lightly before he continued. "Better safe then sorry. Have you managed to contact your siblings yet?"

"Not enough drachmas. I'm saving them for my ride home." Bryan sighed, sinking into the couch. "They're probably worried, or at least Brinley is."

"Well, you should be good to head home tonight." Inpu leaned forward to set his coffee on the table before leaning back against the couch. He looked at Bryan with a smile. "One last check from Cal, and you should have the go ahead."

"I'm going to miss this monster-less break." Bryan closed his eyes, a smile resting on his face. "But I miss home. I haven't been on a quest that lasted more than a couple days in years, much less a week."

"Adults get less quests, right?"

"Yep." Bryan opened his eyes, staring upward towards the far above ceiling. The lights glowed high above, casting images on the peaked roof. "Once I graduate, I'll be getting a lot less, probably none once I go to college."

"You got into college?"

"Yep, I'm going for a botany degree." Bryan's grin spread. "I plan to keep helping around camp, though. Be there if they ever need help, you know. What's your plan?"

"Well, Maggie, Solis, and Kaiba all graduate this year." Inpu looked away in thought. "I'll probably stick around to keep training and caring for those here, and any more people of pharaoh decent that may come here. Dad believes that I'll take over for him when he passes, but that would require me to be the most powerful magician, and I don't know if I'm there yet, but he thinks I'm on the way."

"So, college is a no?"

"I don't know. I'd like to study mythological history, get an actual degree in my hobby, you know. Learn more about other pantheons." He responded. "I think Mom studied history, but Dad never went into much detail. Maybe I'd be able to find her that way."

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