FTO - Quest (PJ AU)

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Percy Jackson au continued


A mission just for the children of Zeus. Like that couldn't go wrong.

Ritchie hadn't been the most excited when their father, the head honcho himself, showed up in an exploding ball of lightning and demanded his three children go out on a quest to find him a missing artifact.

Chiron tried to reason with him, arguing that three big three kids, especially of the same god, would attract too much attention, but Zeus wasn't the listening type.

"So, my first big Father-demanded quest." Blake bounced up beside him. "What should I expect?"

Ritchie had to fight the urge to flinch away; she was much smaller than him and his brother and ended up sneaking up on them a lot. It made him long for a few weeks ago at times, when she was unclaimed. Blake was a recent addition to camp, just joining this summer, which was shocking considering her age. She was 16, and had somehow managed to go without dying. For a big three kid, that was incredibly impressive.

She was so different than the brothers it was a surprise. The two were biological twins, so that made some sense, but there was still a lot more differences than most other siblings.

While Ritchie and Brandon had light hair and tanned skin, Blake was paler with long dark hair, which she had added teal streaks to a small part of , a Zeus cabin tradition; he had completely dyed his hair blue while his brother had dyed the tips. She was short as well, something that stood out against the twins, who both were over 6'. The only similarity was her eyes, which were blue. But while Ritchie had sky blue eyes and Brandon had naturally bright teal — though one had turned purple after one of their quests — Blake's were dark blue. You wouldn't be able to tell they shared a father unless you asked.

"You should expect a lot of issues. Three of the same-parented Demi-gods on top of being the children of Zeus; only chaos can happen."

"Oh. Great." She rolled her eyes, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Just what I wanted to hear. You're real great at this big brother thing, you know."

"Can it."

The warehouse had darkened immensely as they continued to explore into the depths of the building. They had caught up with Brandon, who now walked near the back with his spear in hand, and agreed to move deeper into the place, hoping to find the artifact their dad was insistent on them receiving.

"This weapon better be worth it. Why does he even need a sword. The man wields a lightning bolt the size of me. Seems kinda pointless." Blake spun her dagger as she grumbled behind Ritchie, who looked back at her sharply, causing her to quiet.

"Don't question Father's ways. It takes too long and risks inferring his wrath." Brandon's voice was monotone, lacking the emotion the other two presented, something that had strengthened since his time away from camp. "Just let him use us like pawns. It keeps him quiet."

"And keeps him off our backs." Ritchie added.


"Damn, this camp sucks all attitude out of you."

Ritchie rolled his eyes. "No, just teaches you to keep your mouth shut, something you could learn."

"Oh you're one to talk."

"Hey, shut it." Brandon stopped, his eyes dragging across the area. "Something's here."

They moved into a circle, Blake facing the windows with the two brothers facing the inside of the warehouse. Their weapons gleamed in the darkness, reflecting the sparks dancing off Blake and Ritchie and the glow of Brandon's eye.

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