OoO - Valentines

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I made a new art book. First page is out already.

This was a sudden decision I made in the middle of the day, and it's a bit rushed since I didn't have much time to write, plus I wanted it to be done quickly.

It may not be perfect, but here it is.


Inpu smoothed down his shirt and took a deep breath. He looked in the mirror, fiddling with his clothes.

He had agreed to go to the mortal world with Bryan for Valentine's Day, following whatever plans the other had. Bryan loved Valentine's, so Inpu didn't mind stepping back.

Instead of the usual pharaoh clothes he wore, with the fancy jewelry and thick coat, he wore a simple black button down and dress pants. He opted for his old yellow boots, rather then the usual sandles, and had pulled his hair back as usual.

Inpu had already hidden his ears and tails, and weird didn't begin to describe it. He could still feel the swish of tails and hear across the entire house, but couldn't physically feel them with his hands. It was not a fun experience.

"Ok, I think I'm ready." Inpu played with his necklaces and checked his face. He had lined his eyes in kohl and left off his glasses to make his eyes stand out a bit more; not that they didn't already. "Yep definitely ready."

He grabbed his coat, a dark red trench-coat-like jacket that Bryan had bought him, and headed out the bedroom door.

Bryan stood in the entryway, swaying on his feet. His wings were already gone, an odd sight to see.

He had changed into a less flashy suit, the two having agreed to more dress-casual. He wore a white button up with a pair of pale blue pants and a matching blue and white striped vest. His pink hair was slicked back, the brown roots showing. He wore simpler jewelry then usual, small earrings and bracelets. His eyes caught Inpu's gaze, the son of Aphrodite smiling at him once they did.

"Hey babe." He wrapped Inpu in a hug and pecked his cheek once he had jogged up. "I got so used to the fancy coat, I forgot how handsome you looked in a simple button up."

"Aw, you look great, dear." Inpu smiled. "Changed your hairstyle again, I see."

"Temporarily." Bryan waved him off. "Kids are at camp already."

Xylo had agreed to play babysitter for some of the couples, preferring to stay out of Valentine's Day shenanigans. He was not on good terms with Aphrodite, so he said he'd keep an eye on the triplets at camp, and watch Dina and Roja for Momiji and Ricarro, as well as Danny for Mania, though he was still off around Xylo from the whole 'son of Loki' situation.

Inpu slipped his coat on and nodded. "Shall we get going, then?"

"We shall." Bryan looped his arm through Inpu's and walked out the door, pulling the god of death with him. "Portal?"

"Can do." Inpu's eyes turned a bright, glowing red. A large portal formed before them, and the two headed on through.

The first place they went was a restaurant. It was a nice one, much fancier then any Inpu had gone to before, which wasn't saying much, since he didn't spend much time in the mortal world outside of Camp, the mansion, and Momiji's.

The reservation was under Bryan's name, since Inpu was still working on the whole I.D. thing. They sat down at a small table in the corner, set next to the window.

The restaurant was on a lake, the whole back wall set with windows to look across it. The sun was setting at the time, sending reds and oranges across the water and into the building.

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