OoO - Villain AU

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I can't think of a title. Part two of the villainous choices OoO oneshot I did.


The infirmary was cold. In one of the beds lay the son of Hephaestus, his injuries bound and healing under the soft touch of a former god.

Momiji studied the boy Inpu brought back. He and Solis had appeared, the demigod in tow. The former had cut away before any of them could ask him what fully happened. He grabbed Drannus and dragged him off to talk.

Bryan had recognized Dran right away. He had healed some of Dran's injuries as soon as he was brought down, before they brought him to the infirmary.

Apparently he was useful, from what some of the Greeks said and Drannus, who had come to talk to her once him and Inpu were done talking.

Momiji had been left alone at this point to keep an eye on him. She was an excellent healer, and knew what to do in dire situations.

Dran shifted on his bed, face twisted in one of pain and fear.

Momiji reached over, resting her hand above him. A light gold glow encompassed her hand, and after a second, he stilled.

"Nightmares." She muttered. "Should I blame Drannus or the war. Probably the former, eh. You're young, aren't you? Demigods are pretty young these days."

She couldn't help but be kinder to young demigods. She had always been soft on kids, an old wish she held before she was cursed. Even now, she finds herself unable to hate those who don't have the choice where they stand.

"Contemplating killing him?"

A laugh followed the question. It was deep and rang of cruelty. Momiji didn't need to turn to recognize the person, he'd been hanging around her for as long as she'd been hanging with his child and grandchild.

"Set, I figured you'd leave me alone today."

"Riccaro wanted to come see you, and him." He walked up beside her. He looked like Ricarro, due to the whole possession thing, with blood colored skin striped in gold and white hair. Set caused Ricarro's blue eyes to turn pale with black outside instead of white. "A fellow possessed. Soon we'll overrun the camp."

"Ha ha, if Ricarro wanted to talk, then why are you here?"

"Because I'm in control at the moment, but fine." He chuckled. "I'll yield."

He stepped back. His eyes faded back to their natural color, and Ricarro shook himself off. He looked up at Momiji with a large smile. "Hi!"

"Hello, darling. What did you want to talk about?"

"Just wanted to see you. If I say talk, Dad tends to actually listen." He sat down next to Momiji, leaning close. "You look tired."

"I've been up for some time." She reached for her glass of water, which she had set out a while before, and sipped. "This new demigod needs to be watched at all times."

"Oh, why?"

"Because he'll most likely freak out and try to run."

"Oh, that makes sense." Ricarro rocked on his chair, bouncing his legs. He always had too much energy, and often didn't have a good way of distributing it.

Momiji sighed and turned back to watching the young demigod. Her ears flicked lightly at the sound of Riccaro leaning closer. She asked calmly. "What?"

"Just wanna be near you."

She chuckled, but didn't push him away. They sat for a while, before soft footsteps approached from behind.

"Hello Magnus." Momiji recognized the magic scent immediately. The siblings' bloodline made theirs particular unique. "What can we do for you?"

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