OoO - Returning Friends

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Part 2 of a Demonic Flower


Xylo tapped his fingers on the cars window. They had hired an Uber to drive them to their location, since none of them had a car.

By them, Xylo meant him and Mario. The two sat next to eachother in the back seat. Mario was flipping through a book that he brought along for the trip; Bryan's mansion was a far ways away.

Bryan, the person who left without much more then a goodbye. He'd told everyone Rose was gone; even if he didn't know whether or not it was true.

"So, ready to talk to Bryan again?" Mario asked, glancing at him.

"Not really, if I'm being honest."

"Yeah. Think he got married during that time? He was engaged to that mage, right? The one Miguel gave actual details of over just 'he's an Egyptian Mage'."

"Yeah, Inpu." Xylo shrugged. "Who knows. His kind aren't exactly big on long term relationships."

"Well we'll find out when we get there."


Bryan rolled over, stretching out his arms but keeping his wings close. Inpu hated being woken up early on his off days, and feathers to the face wouldn't be a very nice wake up call.

He slid off the bed and fully stretched out before picking up a nearby shirt and slipping it on. He looked back at Inpu, smiling at his husband, who was buried under the blankets; he hated being cold.

With a shake, he headed out of their bedroom and crossed the main house before ducking into the kitchen.

He pulled out the usual breakfast components, starting with coffee. He set the cup in the coffee maker and set the right settings before moving to the stove. With a click, he started the oven and set a pan and pot atop of it. He grabbed a carton of eggs and cracked a shell open into a bowl. The start of food for the family.

The kitchen always got warm when Bryan made breakfast, so it becoming sweltering wasn't surprising. He set the plate of French toast on the counter and went to grab the syrup.

A pair of ears stuck up behind the counter. They were pale pink faded to a ruby red. They flicked as a small hand reached up.

"Femi, breakfast isn't ready." Bryan looked back, a small smile spreading to his lips. "Do you need something else?"

"I'm hungry." Femi rounded the corner and hopped over to her father. She was the oldest of the triplets and currently the tallest. She had Inpu's warm skin and dark purple eyes with a pair of small glasses, though her hair leaned towards Bryan's, pale pink faded into red. Her single tail matched that; Inpu's species doesn't start growing more tails until they start taking power.

"Well, food is about ready. Just waiting on the last of the bread." Bryan walked over to the fridge and pulled out a juice-pouch. "Why don't you drink this while you wait."

"Mmm, ok." Femi took the drink and headed back to the counter. She pulled herself onto the tall stool and sat there, lightly bouncing. "French toast?"

"Yep." Bryan answered as he set the butter and syrup on the counter, followed by the powder sugar. He stepped back, resting his hands on his hips. "Alrighty, I believe breakfast is ready. How about we go and wake you siblings?"

"Or we could eat now." Femi cocked her head mischievously and pouted. "Pleeeaase, Dad."

"Hmm, fine. You get one slice then we wake the others." Bryan pulled a plate closer to him to get it ready. He buttered the bread and added a bit of syrup before pushing it back to Femi, who quickly dug in.

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