FTO - Superhero AU

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A little look into an idea I've been bouncing around.


The streets cracked and crumbled, chunks of tar falling aside as he stepped through them, hard boots hitting the broken road. His hand rested loosely at his side, small sparks of lightning still cackling around his fingers in warning.

He stopped before one shop and looked through the entrance, or what had become of the entrance. Now all there was was a large gaping hole to reveal the busted-up interior. His hand twitched at his side, eyes scanning the inside for any sign of a spark; nothing.

"This was more aggressive than their usual attacks." His voice carried to the other two  heroes on the street, both of which looked up to respond. "Odd."

"It was more contained too. A lot of destruction, but nothing past this block." One of them walked up to him, his blue eyes studying the terrain. He looked up, concern filling his scale decorated face. "Do you think?"

"Maybe. The destruction is clean, like a tornado ripped it apart brick by brick. It reeks of him." He looked down, hands clenched at his side. Tears pricked his bright blue eyes, but he was quick to wipe them away. He couldn't be weak, not now. Not after everything. "We should close this up."

"Alright. I'll talk to the cops. Think Olympus can round up any witnesses?"

"Yeah, I'll go ask."

As he turned to leave, his hero friend grabbed his arm, squeezing lightly. "Hey, are you alright man? You've been less... much recently."

"Just dealing with stuff, Boat. As you guys said, alcohol isn't the solution to everything." He pulled away, offering a misshapen smile. "I'm good. A lot of good friends have stuck me on the right path, and are making sure I stay on it. After all, how can I find my brother if I'm intoxicated 24/7?"

"Ok, I'll drop it this time." He remarked, eyeing his taller friend warily. "Just want to make sure you're doing alright. Cant have you fall off the wagon again, can we, Ritchie?"

"Hey, we've talked about first names."

"Shit, sorry. I'm so used to David using first names all the time. He doesn't even call me Boat anymore."

"Just be more careful. When you get off your game, we often are put in bad situations." Ritchie turned away, giving a small smile. "I'll go talk to Olympus, then I have to head out. I'm meeting an old friend for dinner."

"Right. I'll call you later if we learn anything new."

"Thanks Boat. Keep up the good work."

"Always do, boss."

"Not your boss."

"Sorry, right. Old habits. Catch you later."

"See you later."

Papers rustled as he pushed aside the large stack, rubbing his tired eyes with a yawn. The office was quiet aside from him, something he hated more than anything.

He blinked away the tired thoughts and looked down at the remaining documents to analyze the complicated requests. His pen tapped lightly on the desk as he read through, a constant 'tick tick tick' sound ringing through his shotty hearing.

His pen scratched across the sheet as he wrote out his loopy signature, cursive letters swirling easily. It was the only reminder that he was still his own person. That he wasn't the man that controlled him so fiercely.

Footsteps sounded outside his door, causing him to look up. Strands of magenta hair fell over his face, blown away with a quick shot of breath. The steps stopped and a sharp knock rang through the door. He didn't need to see the person to know who it was.

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