OoO HTTYD au - A Meeting

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You know what sucks about having one series that you love cause it's what got you into a fandom, it's now most of what you write.

I have more ideas, but most of my current au's are OoO themed. I have a new one I'm gonna right that's more origins as a whole (with some themes from series), so wait to see that.


The smell of ink filled the room as Cal carefully wrote in his book. He preferred to keep a written record of his time at the village incase he blacked out, something that's happened before.

He glanced at the dragon that sat nearby. Gibbous lay curled up on a stone bed, which Cal had help putting in for him. The night-light was his best friend at the moment, being the creature to stick by him sense he was young. He had no clue where the dragon had come from; he just appeared one day.

Gibbous grumbled in his sleep, small sparks dancing across his mouth. He had only set the house on fire twice in Cal's life, so he wasn't worried, though there was still a chance.

He swirled more ink onto his quill and continued writing. The words scratched across the page in swoops. He hummed to himself as he finished the page and moved on to the next, but was stopped before he could continue.


The door slammed open, causing him to shout and drop the quill. Gibbous jumped up with a snarl at the intruder.

Cal turned to him and glared, sighing angrily as he did. "David, why are you like this."

The man in question scoffed, rolling his bright gold eyes. His white hair was pinned back to show the undercut he had. As usual, he had his shirt open to reveal his chest, something Cal did not understand.

"Come on, flightmare, no need to be" David waved Cal off. "Xylo sent me."

He sighed. Flightmare was David's favorite nickname for him; that and bandages, for Cal's wrist wrappings, which weren't an uncommon style, Cal just wore them all the time.

"What does Xylo want?" He turned back to his book before closing it. He set the quill with the rest and sealed the ink bottle, slipping it on the shelf.

"A meeting, apparently." David leaned against the wall. "All boring talk probably, always is with that purple princess."

"Lovely." Cal grabbed his vest and slipped it on, reaching over to pat Gibbous. The night-light huffed before laying back down, blowing a plume of a smoke at David. "Alright, lead the way."

"So, bandages," there it is. "Have you been out flying yet or too busy being a mom to Little bro."

"I'm not his- ugh, yes, I've been out flying, but Gibbous isn't much of a flyer so not that much."

"Ha, sounds like you've had a boring time here, glow-man."

"One, that sucked, and two, at least I have a dragon."

"Well excuse you! I have a dragon, she just isn't here."

"Uh huh."

"Ah there you two are."

They arrived at the meeting hall, a large building with pillars and walls carved to resemble dragons and humans alike. Xylo stood at the steps alongside Mario, the former being the one to have spoken up.

"What took you so long?" Xylo asked.

"Someone found the need to argue with me." David crossed his arms.

"Huh, me! You're the one who- you know what, never-mind, I'm not even going to try." Cal sighed. "So, are we the last to arrive?"

"No, Inpu and Bryan still haven't shown." Mario looked up at the dark sky. "Magnus said Inpu went out flying, my guess is that they are both still out there."

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