Angel Wings - FTO

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Revin au based off some art I did. I'm almost done with a second drawing based on this au, so that will be posted soon.


The clouds were soft as a pillow, his holy energy allowing him to rest upon them. They glowed pink and purple to reflect the setting sun as he sat on the fluffy surface.

His pale red wings folded against his back, the two floating sets flicking in their locations. He suck back, closing the main eyes on his face, though he could still see; an angel never can truly sleep.

'Oh Devin, still trying to be quiet and orderly.'

Devin's mouth creased and his eyebrows furrowed. That voice had followed him, even when he was reaccepted back into heaven. It had controlled him while he was fallen. A split between good and bad. An attempt at Devin to live up to the broken standards set for them.

Eden laughed at Devin's discomfort. 'Aw, am I annoying you?'

"Very much." Devin grumbled. He opened his main eyes and looked at the sky, admiring the scattering stars that faded into the darkening sky.

He stood on shaky legs, fluffing out his wings for balanced. He ran a hand through his hair, brushing his tall horns and halos. As he moved across the cloud, his jewelry jingled.

The angel stood until he was balanced, took a deep breath, and spread his large set of wings until they were fully extended. Without much of a glance, he shot into the air, glowing like he was apart of the sunset in his red clothes.

He flew for a while, zoning out the voices and his past with the wind and open sky. He had become so detached at some point that he didn't even notice the smoke rising from the forest; then he hit it.

"Pfft, what was that." He halted to a stop, levitating in the air. The smoke he had ran through sat behind him, a large of plume that had begun to spread out across the sky. "Oh no."

Devin looked down, spotting the source. It was a small fire, at least for such a big forest. He couldn't tell if it was contained or not, and if it wasn't, that could be bad news.

'Angels don't interfere unless instructed.' The memory of his brother's voice rang through his head. Devin bit his lip as he debated listening, or ignoring.

'This is a conundrum, huh. Listen to Micheal so we avoid helping people, or don't listen, which goes against Micheal, which is hilarious.'

"I'm not against people, Eden. Remember, I'm the part of us that likes helping." Devin sighed. "Micheal won't be happy, but if we don't see anyone, I don't see what rules I would of broken."

'Loopholes, your way of avoiding being a bad person, huh.'

"I don't want to fall again, Eden."

'You should. I could finally take the front seat back.'

"Top of my list why." Devin angled himself in the sky and folded his wings in close. With a deep exhale, he plummeted, shooting towards the forest.

About a hundred feet before the leaves, he threw open his wings, slowing his descent so he slipped through the trees without a scratch.

His feet touched the soft forest floor without a sound. He looked up with his head as the rest of his body examined the 360 area around him. The light dappled from above, shadowing the forest floor in patterns. Tall trees rose of him, and flowers occasionally speckled the floor.

The fire wasn't noticeable from where he landed, but he could smell the smoke still. His body was tingling now with an odd feeling; it was almost like something nearby was a threat and now all his nerves were screaming at him about it. He had only ever felt this way around certain creatures. Fallen, and demons.

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