MHO - Pokemon School

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Pokemon au


The bus bumped along, jolting Shino out of his soft sleep. He shook off tiredness, rubbing his dark eyes.

The ride from his home was a long one, a couple hour bus ride, and he had been there for almost the entire time, based on his phone clock. He hadn't really been paying attention, opting to stick on his earbuds and zoning out.

He was on the way to Monarch, the Pokémon school, one of the most prestigious in the country. It had taken him a fair amount of work to get in, but it would be worth it.

Shino sat up, stretching out his cramped limbs. The seat next to him was still empty, taken up by his own bag. A quick skim of it told him nothing was stolen.

"Alright guys, seems like we're almost there." He reach into his thick black and yellow coat to pull out three pokeballs, one normal and two great balls. He held up the normal alone and sighed. "Sorry I couldn't let you out, French Fry. I didn't want your tails disrupting others. We're almost at Monarch though; I'll let you guys out to stretch once we're there."

"You're going to Monarch too?!"

Shino jolted and turned his head, looking across the aisle.

Another person, most likely a teen based on his features, leaned towards Shino with bright eyes.

He was tall, with pale skin and bright purple eyes. His hair was half-black, half-white, with bangs that fell over his face. They were dressed surprisingly well, with a white button up, black pants, and matching boots and corset. The thing that drew Shino's attention the most was the shiny Umbreon sat next to them.

"Um, yeah, I am." Shino glanced around. "Are you?"

"Yeah, I am!" They grinned. "Can I?"

"Huh, oh." Shino looked at the seat he motioned at, where his bag sat. He grabbed it and pulled it into his lap, slipping the pokeballs away into his coat.

"Sweet." They hopped over, their Pokémon following. It hopped into the person's lap, curling up into a ball. The student offered a hand, which Shino took to shake. "I'm Artemis."

"Shino, pleasure to meet you."

"Ooo, cool name." Artemis fiddled with his bag, curiously peering at Shino. "Soo, Shino, what class you in?"

"What class are you in?" Shino asked back, raising an eyebrow.

"Me? I'm in class B. With professor Avian." He pet his umbreon, who leaned into the touch. His hair fell over their eyes as they continued. "I heard class A was a lot harder, and I'm just trying to get better with Pokémon. I want to be a fashion designer, not a full on trainer."

"A fashion designer? Explains your look." Artemis looked up at him sharply, causing him to jump to defend his phrasing. "I mean, it's a really nice outfit, and fits your choice in career. It fits the dark type Pokémon theme too, if that is what you're going for."

"Actually, I want to work mainly with ghost types." Artemis shrugged, smiling. "And thank you. You know, you can tell a lot about a trainers' Pokémon by their appearance. You yellow and black theme is telling me electric type." He motioned at Shino's hair. "Your hair color reminds me of an Alohan Pikachu, which enforces the idea more."

"Yours looks like a lot of dark type Pokémon. The purple eyes fits ghost type, though." Shino chuckled. "You're actually pretty dead on. Electric and fire types."

"Ah, fire. Fitting." They dug through their bag, pulling out two pokeballs. "What Pokémon have you caught?" He froze. "Is that too much information? Should we talk about that?"

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