Ever After High/Descendants au

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I made this idea a while ago and it came back.

So, this is if origins crew were the children of fairytale characters (if you've watched ever after high or descendants, you get it)

So, main povs for this au would be Naya and Davis, since I watch the two. The idea was that it follows Naya, the supposed daughter of Snow White, and her struggle in school dealing with her true heritage. Then it would follow two new students, Davis and Bryan, the children of Maleficent and Sleeping beauty (live action version, so their related but not biologically).

Some I have ideas for, most I don't.


Naya held up the student I.D, grinning widely. Her face looked back at her, with her soft cheekbones and bright blue eyes, with her chosen name right there clear as day.

It had taken years and consistent pushing, but she had convinced her mom to let her officially change her name. Now people wouldn't see her and ask questions, like 'why do you have a boy name?' Or the common, 'are you even girl?'

"Misgendering's gonna go down hill now."

She looked back at her friend, who was lounged across her couch. Mitch wore his usual skeleton hoodie with the hood pulled down, dark ripped jeans, and magenta boots. His pointed ears flicked as his blue, striped tail swished behind him. He had his ocean blue hair pinned back in a pony, the bangs swishing over his eyes from time to time.

He stretched out, yawning to reveal sharp canine. Black marking expanded on his face, over his purple eye. They were magic markings, scarring more like it. The two didn't really like talking about them.

"Yeah, thankfully." She smiled and looked back at the I.D. "This year is gonna be a lot better."

"Woo." Mitch waved his hand, grinning lazily. "So, we're getting new students, huh?"

"Always do."

"You know what I mean." He scoffed. "So, the son of 'Sleeping Beauty'. What's he like?"

"Bryan's nice." Naya sat down on her bed. "He's pretty cool, has a pet dragon. Davis will be coming as well; son of Maleficent."

"Oo, more magic users." Mitch grinned. "Fun."

"Bryan isn't one, but he can talk to animals." Naya shrugged. "So, partially."

"Still, that's going to add more flavor. Jakey might not be the favorite fae anymore."

"Wouldn't call him a favorite, just one of the few."

Mitch chuckled and flipped around, hanging upside down. He tossed up a quarter, eyes following it as it came down and went back up.

Naya tapped her fingers on her thigh, the conversation dying into silence. The two remained on their spots, the only sound being the flip of the quarter and the house.

"Wanna go sneak some ice cream?"

Naya glanced at her best friend, a smile spreading to her lips. "I don't see why not. Dibs on the last of the cookie dough!"

"Hey!" Mitch jumped up as she sprinted away. He laughed, his smile turning mischievous as he faded into sparkles, only his eyes and grin remaining before he proofed away. Disappearing like the Cheshire Cat.

Hills of trees passed by in a blink as the car drove on. The two passengers watched, one needing a distraction from his recent project and the other just getting homesick.

"This is going to be fun, don't worry." Bryan assured once again. He had dressed a bit more up for their arrival at the school, wearing a red vest over a black button down and black jeans. His hands, which shook slightly, were covered by gloves, and he wore a pair of mismatch sunglasses. "You're not worried, right?"

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