FTO (PJ) - The Child of Pantheons

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I know I said Devin was a son of Hecate in the last one, but I'm changing it. The change makes a lot of sense, trust me.


Devin hated the void. Empty white space that spread out infinitely in all directions, nothing in it except himself and his obnoxious inner voice.

His eyes opened slowly, blinking away the transition from falling asleep to dreaming. He sat up, running a hand through his brunette curls and yawning, before looking around. Their own dark eyes met the familiar light blue, causing him to sigh.

"Why are we here, Eden?"

"Fuck if I know." Eden was floating in the air, cross-legged like they were meditating, his head resting on their palm. Their white curls bounced as they leaned back in a stretch. "I've had nothing but silence in here for weeks since you and Mikey decided to trap me."

"You became a danger. We can't work in balance if you insist on locking me away when you're in control." Devin stood, resting his hands and his hips, repeating the usual mantra that was brought up every time Eden made some comment about being stuck in his head.

Eden laughed, a sharp sound in the quiet space. "Balance? Locked away? Oh you hypocrite. What are you doing to me?"

"Keeping you from destroying the camp, that's what-" He stopped and looked away, red eyes filled with regret. "Ok, maybe it's a little hypocritical."

"Exactly." Devin's opposite unfolded their legs and landing on the floor, their white boots thudding against the supposed ground. He turned away with a sigh before they continued. "Wonder what brought this up. We never talk face to face."

"Well I didn't summon you, and you didn't summon me, so what does that leave."

"Nothing good." Devin sat down on the imaginary floor. He leaned back on his hands and closed their eyes with a sigh. "Gods I just wanted a normal dream, or a demigod one. Anything over just sitting here."

"Maybe it was our Lady." Eden stretched out, running a hand through his pale curls. "Hecate works in mysterious ways."

"That would make sense, but she would have showed herself by now, or have had us appear before her to begin with." Devin opened their eyes and stared upward into the abyss. "This is too cryptic, even for her."

"Nothing is too cryptic for our Lady."

Devin flopped back with a long-winded exhale. He brought his hands up over his face and rested them there. "Who would be this obnoxious?"

"Could be Dad." Eden snarled with venom. "They haven't contacted us since we moved to the Greek camp. Roman betrayal, or whatever. Not like it mattered before, since we were raised as Egyptian magicians, not Roman warriors. Could be them showing their moronic faces."

"Yeesh, that'd be a change of pace." Devin sat up, looking at Eden, his eyes full of concern. "I don't think I'd like that conversation. Too much pantheon confusion."

"Yeah, well if they did show up, I'd take over, no matter what you say. I have some words for them, words you're too cowardly to say." Eden looked down, violet-blue eyes full of defiance. "You hear me, Devin?"

"I hear you." Devin grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I hear you."

"Words from anger and ambition, or words from kindness and joy." The voice echoed through the void, deep and full of laughter. "Oh how you too are just like us."

"So different, so caring for us." A second voice sounded out, higher than the first but full of the same tone. "The loyalist of sons."

Eden whirled around in a blink, eyes burning with anger, while Devin stumbled to stand, his own full of fear and shock.

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