OoO- Villainous Choices

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What if some of the good guys weren't ever good?

This is an au where a section of demigods are actually villains. This is an alternate timeline to the main timeline, so like, Bookpu.

Some of the villains are Inpu and Magnus, who turned villainous centuries before current time. Momiji is a villain. Ricarro is a neutral ground who is mostly involved cause of possession, same with Dran. Cal is full neutral, existing to mostly keep the villains and good guys from messing with the main timeline.

I don't know why I made this, it was a drawing I made of Bryan and Inpu and I just said fuck it.


Xylo dug through the rubble, frantically trying to find something. His tattooed hands were covered in dust as he shoved aside bricks.

"Xylo, we have to go!"

"I can still get him!" Xylo pushed a large cover aside, gasping for breath.

They had come to look for an artifact. The information had been given to them by Dran. They thought it would help, but it proved faulty.

Dran had seemed suspicious for months. He was twitchy and scared, something his brother pointed out. Occasionally his eyes would change color and he'd act different; more snappy and withdrawn.

It reminded Xylo of Bryan.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the site, something came over Dran. He became a different person.

The fight ended in the son of Hephaestus being buried.

Xylo couldn't leave him. They had lost so much to the war, they couldn't lose another person. It didn't matter that he was possessed. If they could save him...

"Xylo, people are coming!" Mario called from off to the side. He was limping, clutching his side. He had been hit hard during the initial fight.

"I know, but if we have a chance-!"

"We don't. There's no point!" Mario hissed in pain, tightening his grip on his wound. After a second, he spoke again, his voice confused and worried. "Xylo."

Xylo snarled and looked up. A shadowy figure was forming a distance away. It was pure darkness, with what appeared to be eyes glowing bright red in the form.

The form solidified, revealing a demigod. He was decently tall, with warm brown skin and pulled back, long, black-to-red hair. The most noticeable things were his vibrant red eyes mixed with dark markings along his right side, and his extra limbs. Two tall ears extended from his head, soft like a foxes or jackel, and a collection of tails, at least 6, flicked at his feet.

Xylo froze. He recognized that description.

'His name is Inpu. He's a dangerous and old son of Anubis and an unknown Kitsune. He had a powerful ability that allows him to rip the soul out of your body. You, son of Hades, might be the only one here who could survive that.'

Miguel, a son of Horus and pharaoh of Egypt, had told them about the death children when he heard rumors the other side gained new recruits from Egypt. They had been described as deadly and lacking in morals, unless they were with the son of Ra, who didn't seem to be there at the moment.

Xylo stood, bloody fists grabbing and clenching his sword. He stared at the arriver, who returned the stare with a small, fanged grin.

"Xylo, I assume?" He spoke in a deep, calm voice.

"I'm guessing you're Inpu." The son of hades responded. "Why are you here?"

"To figure out why the hell Drannus was so interested in this place." He hopped closer, tails swishing behind him. His eyes glowed mischievously as he approached. He let out a small laugh as the dark markings expanded. "Now I know. I'm not a fighter, so why don't you two hop along. Leave what you're searching for."

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