FTO - Demigods of the Streets

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Percy Jackson Au


Flurry had always enjoyed watching the sunrise. Since she was young, she would sneak onto the roof and watch the sun rise above the horizon. The tradition continued well into her time in foster care, when her and her best friend would watch it together; her for the joy and him because it meant getting away. Pat always used to joke that the roof was the only place where their guardian couldn't see.

She sat there now, on top of an apartment roof, watching the sun rise into the rainbow sky. Her curly hair fell across her back, pulled back into a half pony by her signature pink bow. She had already gotten ready, or as close as she could get in their circumstances. In her usual bright hoodie and shorts, she didn't look much like the street urchin she was.

Footsteps sounded behind her, the sound of soft, warn boots. Flurry could catch the scent of storms, rain and lightning, as the approacher stopped beside her.

"Beautiful, isn't it." She said, glancing at him.

Davis was imposing to many on the streets, but she had no fear towards him. He stood tall, with warm, scarred skin, a remnant of something he refused to talk about. His thick blue coat and dark hat helped disguise his features, alongside the sunglasses that hid all appearance of his eyes. A gift from Heimdall.

His father's lineage was barely there, mostly shown his dark red hair and magic, and of course, his pendant; a rune of Thor, which turned into a staff when he pulled it off.

"Can't disagree with that." Davis turned, cocking his head to study her. "You ok? Normally you sleep in longer."

"Just... thinking." Flurry sighed, dropping her eyes to look across the city. "Sometimes I wish we had the resources the Greek demigods do. A home to go to. A place to stay."

"You have Greek friends, don't you? Ones you can ask about it."

"Had, and only one. I haven't seen Ritchie in years." Flurry closed her eyes, mind drifting to the son of Zeus she had known. Rarely did she try to think about him, and mentioned him even less. Davis was the only one she ever talked to about her past, so talking about him was easy when it came to him. "What about that grandma of yours. Think Betty will let us crash for some food today?"

"She'd let us crash forever if we asked. But we won't. She has enough on her plate, especially with Damian." He swung his legs over the ledge and sat down, intertwining his fingers in his lap. "Yeah, she'll probably let us stop by for lunch."

"Good. It's been a couple days since we had an actual meal, and we can't hassle Yamitsu for everything."

"You could. He likes you more than he lets on."

"So does that little daughter of Loki you hang around." Flurry jabbed back, ignoring the flush in her cheeks. "I'm surprised you don't just use your resources. Kinda hypocritical."

"I don't want to bug Kat, nor do I want to put Betty in danger." Davis argued in response. He patted the spot beside him, motioning Flurry to sit. She followed his suggestion, swinging her own legs over the ledge to sit. "So, what's todays plan, aside from lunch."

"Wander the street. Avoid the cops. Maybe steal some new clothes." Flurry listed off on her fingers. "Usual. Maybe go and convince Yamitsu to hang out with us for the day, incase we get into fights with gangs or other homeless people."

"We can handle ourselves." Davis stated. "At least I can, and Juno has made some weird ass magic weapons. Jazz might just scare them away with his face, if needed."

"Hey, be nice." Flurry shoved him, causing him to scramble to hold on to the roof. "He's not that bad."

"Debatable. The 'son of Hel' might actually be from Hell. He's a overreactive dickhead."

"So are you, yet you don't see me complaining."

"I don't lack morals."

"You have a shit ton of anger problems, which do sometimes cloud said morals." Flurry sighed. "All of us are dickheads, Davis. It's why we stick together. Except Cecil, who's a sweetheart through and through."

"Don't think that one's got a fighting bone in his body. He's just," He waved a hand as he formed a word. "Sad."

"Best way to put it." Flurry hopped up, bouncing on the heels of her feet. She turned to him again, purple eyes sparkling in the sun. "Well, we got a busy day ahead of us. Don't wanna be late!"

"We literally could leave at any point."

"Keep up the attitude, and I'm making you wake up Basil. She punches."

"I know. She's hit me before."

"Good, then let's get going."

Glowing blue eyes tracked the girl as she walked across the street. She led the group of demigods alongside his cousin, the son of Hel, who seemed to be laughing at an unseen joke.

He looked nothing like himself, but to be fair, he was no human.

His paws clicked across the pavement as he approached, sticking to the shadows. His dark grey fur blended against the walls. He was unseen, the demigods not even recognizing they were being watched.

The daughter of Vidarr, with her teal hair and bright clothes, was an easy target. She held an artifact; the artifact he was told to snatch. He'd grab it now if he could, rip her apart and take it, but the sons of Thor and Hel would prove... difficult.

He would have to wait, and he would. Wait in the shadows, wait for his opportunity, wait to collect what he needed.

Nordic demigods had no resources to help, and that would be their downfall.

Words: 970

I hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day/night. Bye!

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