OoO HTTYD - Chase

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Xiphos ran across the camp, people throwing themselves out of the way as he did. He wasn't small, being close to seven feet tall, and had a tendency to hurt people he accidentally ran into.

The man stood out almost as much, if not more, then his sibling. His skin was a darker shade then Rose's with lighter patches around his limbs, face, and chest, and his hair was a dark brown near black. He wore simple armor with thorn vine carvings, nothing like his sibling's extravagant choice, minus the bear skin cloak of course.

He slid to a stop by and tent and shoved it open. "Best friend!"

Kat screamed, falling off her chair and letting out a slip of swears. She pushed her ginger hair back and looked up at him with dark red eyes. "Xiphos! What did we say about the entering without warning."

"Not... to? I'm sorry, Kat." He stepped back, fiddling with his fingers. "But I really wanted to talk to you! It's big, very big!"

"Alright, what's 'big'?" She pulled herself up and shook herself off.

"Brother says we're going on a mission!"

"We, or you?"

"We!" He stopped. "I think."

"That's the issue, Xiphos. 'I think'." Kat looked at him, her eyes soft. "You know Rose doesn't trust me. He most likely just asked you."

"But Zero loves you!"

"He loves you." Kat interrupted. "And didn't they ask you to not call them Zero."

"Yeah, but..." Xiphos drifted off. "Will you come with, please."

"Will you start crying if I don't?"

Xiphos pouted, nodding his head. Kat sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Fine, when are we going?"

"Yay!" Xiphos scooped Kat up into a hug, earning some argument from the smaller person. Finally he set her down. "I'll go tell Brother!"

"Time, Xiphos."


"I can work with that."

"Wooo!" Xiphos clapped happily before backing out. "I will see you later, best friend. I'm gonna go get food."

"See you." Kat ran a hand through her hair. "Gods, I should've just stayed home."

Inpu flipped through the book he held in hand, boredom radiating off him. He had meant to go talk to Bryan more; He still wanted to know the full story, especially the stuff Bryan was so reluctant to talk about.

"What if you go to Xylo again?"

"Getting information straight from the source is less bias, at least in this case, you know that Maggie. Also I don't want to talk to Xylo right now."

Magnus huffed, tossing a cloth at their brother. They had decided to stay inside for the day with Inpu, who had opted for reading over talking to people.

"Think Dran's making more donuts?"

"Maybe, we'll have to check later."

They dwelled back into familiar silence, only occasionally interrupted by Inpu's page turning. Finally, Magnus let out a huff and swung themself up. "Imma go get food."

"Alrighty." Inpu gave a short wave, his eyes still focused on his book.

Magnus was used to their brother getting like this. He'd find a good book and withdraw. He could be out for an hour to entire day, depending on the story. Sometimes he even forgot to eat over it, which did lead to Magnus keeping track of his habits to make sure it wouldn't happen a ton.

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