OoO - The Mysterious Cave

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This is a longer one. Au is a magic world sorta thing.


The Forest was eerie, and quiet. The dark trees leaned over the broken path. The night sky glittered with stars above, the sun long set. It had to be to pull off this escapade.

Cal tightened his jacket, glaring up ahead with his dark green eyes. He had been very adamant to the other three that he didn't want to be here. The Forest was forbidden for a reason; many people had gone missing in it, too many for it to be a coincidence.

He had voiced his concerns, which earned a "don't be a baby" from Davis.

Mania glanced back at him, smiling. She had come along for Davis, and out of curiosity. She wasn't as dead set to be there, which made Cal feel slightly better. She was also the reason Iroh was there. Her half-brother had come along to keep an eye on her.

"Speed up, glow stick!" Davis called back, grinning at Cal. "You're going to get taken at this point."

"Don't joke about that, Davis." Mania crossed her arms, her mismatched eyes glittering with a hint of annoyance. "Cal has a right to be nervous. This place is pretty creepy."

"Can't disagree with that." Iroh stopped, letting Cal catch up. He nudged him as he passed. "Why the nervous face anyway. We're all too old to be kidnapped."

"16 doesn't make us 'too old'." Cal rolled his eyes. "We're still minors."

"You and I are almost 17, so slightly better." Iroh reminded him. He ran a hand through his thick, black hair and sighed.

"Yeah, sure." Cal pulled his jacket on tighter, the thick material somehow managing to let the wind through, causing goosebumps to raise on his warm brown, freckled arms. "Anyone feel that wind?"

"I do." Mania rubbed her arms, shivering. "It's getting really cold, Davis."

"I'm sure it's fine." Davis glanced at her, his blue eyes softening. He shrugged off his jacket, revealing pale arms, and handed it to her. The dark blue coat was big on her, but Mania still pulled it close with a smile. "Better?"


Cal shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest. He glanced around to stare at the dark trees. The branches shook and cracked, highlighted in the low moon. He could make out shadows in the trunks; his eyesight was always better at night.

The bushes rustled close by, causing him to spin to look at them. He saw nothing, but that didn't feel right. Something told him something was there.

"Guys, I think we're being watched." Cal said quietly, glancing at his companions.

Iroh slipped his hand into his pocket, most likely reaching for his pocketknife, while Mania stepped closer to Davis, who just rolled his eyes.

"Come on Cal, you're overthinking."

"I have every right to overthink. The stories from the few people that come out of this place alive are not good ones. Everyone here has heard them from Brinley, right?"

"Brinley's overdramatic. All of those siblings are. For all we know, Bryan just hallucinated." Davis shrugged. "Ooo, a cave. Let's go check it out."

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