FTO - Entertainers

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This is a au where the groups are inhumans rather then all being mages. In this, Atlantide is a large city ran by a council that consists of the cities security force, assassins guild, and whatever the hell the protectors are (haven't figured that one out).

Basically I'm medieval fantasy-ing FTO even more than it already was.


The city of Alantide, a large city that rivaled many in their medieval world. It was a city for all species; humans, demons, druids, and more.

Flurry stood at the dock, her eyes scanning the tall buildings of stone and wood. The green tinge in the whites of her eyes stood out in the sun; the coloring was a symbol of her Druidic heritage that granted her her gifts.

"I hate boats."

Flurry looked back behind her, a grin stretching across her lips.

Davis stood leaning against one of the dock's posts, the visible parts of his face green from seasickness. His dark red bangs fell over the bandages that covered his eyes as he shook his head. He hated the ocean, from what Flurry's been told. The water made him sick and threw off his magic, the magic he used to partially see.

Mixing his increased sense of smell with the ability to sense energy currents, Davis got a layout of the area around him. Water disrupted that and made things worse.

"Come on, scales, lighten up a little!" Jazz whacked Davis lightly on the back, causing him to recoil and snarl at the demon. Jazz laughed, his flat green hair shifting as he bounced back. "Don't be aggressive now!"

"Jazz." Flurry warned. "Please don't bug Davis."

"I'm fine." Davis grumbled. He straightened up and looked at the boat, where the last two people were climbing out.

Juno was a new member of theirs, found almost a week ago on their travels. She was slim built and a bit shorter then Flurry, with pale skin and long green-streaked black hair. Her hair was twisted in part buns with two beaded strands down the front. She was human, the only one in their group, but excellent with weapons and creating them. Quite entertaining if you asked Flurry.

Behind her, a small child hopped up. He ran over to Davis, tugging lightly on the halfling's coat. Damian had been found by Davis a bit before he joined Flurry and Jazz. He was small and pale, with fluffy black hair and bright gold eyes. He was a fire nymph, evident in his golden and orange legs that were articulated like a goats. Smoke puffed from him as he tugged.

"Hey kid." Davis ruffled his hair. "You enjoyed the boat ride? Yeah. That makes one of us."

Flurry giggled and took another glance at her group, or Jazz's group.

The demon hopped up beside her. She had met him a few years back, not long after quitting her job in a very destructive way. He was gangly and tall, only about an inch above Flurry, with noticeable off center eyes. Two black horns rested on his forehead, small for most demons his age, though they had been shaven down. His hair with snarly and had a dull green tone. He looked at Flurry with a off-putting smile.

"So, where to first?" Flurry nudged him. "I think we start with taking some coins and getting some food."

"We have to find a place to settle for now." Davis cut in. "Since the kid's too young and Juno refuses to pick pockets around here."

"Don't feel like being a human pyre." She agreed as she lugged her bag over her shoulder. She meant the phrase as it sounded; a lot of inhumans liked setting issues on fire, or drowning them, or many other variants of painful death.

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