OoO - School for Magic

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A little au I made up with an idea of mine. I can't remember why I thought of this, it might of been after I watched the school for good and evil.


Atlas leaned back into his seat, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. His siblings chatted beside him, both sounding excited. His dads were talking across from them, his papa's voice more noticeable for the deep tone.

He wasn't ready for school. Him and his siblings had been homeschooled up until then. When they turned 15, their papa brought up the idea of them going to the magic school both him and their dad used to teach at. Now they were going.

The two parents had been wanting to return to teaching for some time, and now that the triplets were almost 16, they were.

Atlas never was one for socialization. Femi was the same way, but her reasoning was that she preferred books, different from the anxiety he felt. Lotus was excited for school, being the friendly one of the three. They'd all be in different classes too, adding much to Atlas' already building anxiety.

The arcane came in many different forms, forms anyone could learn, but only one or two came naturally. These natural arcanes were trained until one mastered them, then they moved on to learning more.

His papa had been natural at the death and shadow arcane, him teaching the former, while his dad was natural at charm, also teaching that one; though he was well trained in the light and healing arcane, and had mastered it decades before.

He himself would be in the death arcane class, while Lotus, who was natural at light, would take the light arcane class, and Femi would be in charm. They all got to take the other courses of their choosing, but these would be what they'd focus on.

A small chirp sounded next to him as his familiar hopped up onto his shoulder. She nipped lightly at his ears as she rubbed her head against his cheek.

She was a griffin, a mix of pigeon and fennec fox. Her feathers were partially white on the head with dark brown ruffle feathers that continued to where her body transferred to tan fur.

'Hey, Mirage.' Atlas smiled. Familiars were known for their ability to communicate with their owners without speaking, something Atlas enjoyed. Atlas had seen Mirage while his papa meeting with another mage, and connected to her. Now she went almost everywhere with him.

"Atlas, what do you think?"

"Huh." He looked up at his Papa, who was watching him, waiting for an answer.

Inpu looked simple enough in his natural form, or human form. His had warm skin paired with dark purple eyes and dark purple ombré hair. He had a glove over his right hand, holding together the magic that formed his arm.

"What do you think?" He repeated.


"About the electives I listed, which I'm assuming you didn't hear." He smiled, a chuckle following the phrase. "There's some after school electives you all can look into, if you want."


"Oh a bunch!" Lotus exclaimed, shoving their brother lightly. "There's stuff with magic and non, like this one sport we play on brooms, or art classes, or even a chess club! That interested Femi."

"Brooms, so flying?"

"Yeah! We could do it together!" Lotus clapped happily. "Dad says there's a junior team and varsity, but varsity takes a year or two of practice to get in, unless you have previous practice."

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