OoO - The Fallen Star

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Brypu alien au. Semi-futuristic world.


He must have been dreaming. Yes, that was it. He was dreaming. Dreaming of the wide expanse of space he himself was soaring through. Dreaming of the explosion that sent him here.

His fingers raised to reach for the streaking lights, the distant stars stretched out from his fast he was moving. His fingertips tried to touch the space around him as he fell. At least he thought he was falling. That's what it felt like. Falling backward so fast he couldn't see, his feathers wings pushed tight against his back, his usually perceptive nature muffled.

'Where am I going?' He thought. 'Where are my sisters?'

Space hurled by as he went, a comet in the vast expanse, a glowing beacon of light. He was falling, but it wasn't completely empty.

Twisting ever-so-slightly, he spotted a shape. A large planet, orbited by a moon. He could see the shapes of other planets nearby, but this one was in the way of his descent.

'What is that?' He wondered, his brain losing focus as exhaustion and fatigue set in. 'Is it safe? Is this where they were from?'

He could feel the pressure and velocity getting to him. He was unable to fight it, unable to stay awake. His eyelids tugged closed, begging to remain shut.

'Please be safe.'

Inpu studied the paper before him, trying to discern whether or not it was true. Angels, real living angels, saving a space ship that had been struck to near destruction at the edge of their solar system. He couldn't imagine it being true.

"The transmission said it clear as day, Inpu. 'We're alive. We were saved by angels'. Why can't you believe that? We already have theorized the existence of aliens, haven't we?"

Xylo's words rang through his ears, an addition to the usual headache inducing voices. The two had looked over the sheet together after Inpu was given it. He had clear instructions, determine if this is a hoax, but he hadn't known what to think, and had hoped Xylo could supply some opinion.

Aliens were one thing, but aliens that looked like angels, that wondered the space in their solar system, a system that had been being explored since humans could explore it, that saved a human ship. It all was too much for even him to imagine. He believed life existed outside of earth, but so close to their planet? No.

He sighed and removed his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose. Inpu was tired, tired of the constant work load. His job was to keep their information up to date, to organize what they have and decipher anything new they learn. Basically a walking computer, that's what Xylo liked to joke.


Inpu shot up, scrambling to tuck the paper away; it was quite difficult with his prosthetic charging in the other room, leaving him with only one arm. He turned, giving a small smile to the person standing in the doorway.

His sibling watched him, their bright amber eyes full of curiosity. They were still in their work uniform, probably just getting back.

"Maggie, when'd you get home?" He returned his glasses and stood up, balancing on his chair. "How was work?"

"Meh. Stocked shelves, made pottery. Usual." They walked up to him, glancing at the table. "What's that?"

"Oh, it's... confidential." He fiddled with his sleeve. "New information on the recent Eros II mission."

"Can I know?" They looked up at him, a look Inpu struggled to say no to. "You always tell me."

"I know, but this-" he looked back before returned to meet their eyes. He hated refusing his sibling more than anything. "Ok, just, don't tell Solis."

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