FTO - Alien Friends

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Pt 2 of Crash Landing


Devin poked the fish tank, watching the fish swim within the glass. He grinned as they swam, entertained by the simple things.


"Don't be rude, Eden." Devin sighed, sinking back on their hunches. "And you're lame."

'I am an aspect of you; the better one at that.'

"Not true."

'It is.'

"No it's not."

'Yes it-'

"Hey Devin?!"

He turned to look out the door. He was sat in the living room, which was separated from the kitchen. Ritchie had called him, for some reason, drawing them from their conversation.

"Yeah?!" He finally called back.

"Come here. I've got news and I don't want to discuss it through yelling!"

Devin smiled and stood, stretching out. He was in simple pants and a deep blue hoodie, which he had borrowed from Ritchie, though it was much too long; it was already baggy and Devin was just barely at Ritchie's shoulders.

He had been living at the house for about three weeks at that point. It was nice, Ritchie wasn't half-bad, though he had his issues, and Brandon mostly just avoided them, or was really quiet. He still had no word from Micheal, which became more and more worrisome as the time went on.

Devin had come to enjoy spending time with Ritchie. He was a sweet friend, at least he was to Devin, and was considerate of certain things, like how Devin refused to meet any of his alien friends up to that point, though he had mentioned a couple days before they were ok meeting two of three, which is what led to the activities of that day.

The kitchen counter was bare aside from the cereal that Ritchie was pouring into a bowl and the spoon and milk with it. He smiled at Devin, a warm smile that caused Devin's heart to flutter.

"What's up?" Devin asked.

"So, I'm going to meet Brandon and a few of our friends at a coffee shop owned by one of them for lunch later. Do you want to come and meet them?" Ritchie set aside his cereal. "Two are aliens, and the other is human."

"Three people? That's a lot, and it's in public."

"We'll be meeting during break. And there is a chance of four, if Blake comes. She probably won't though, unless Lucas drags her along."

"Oh, that's...." Devin hummed. "How likely is it that they'll know what my species is?"

"Lucas is smart enough, and reads enough to know something." Ritchie took a bite of cereal and shrugged. "Probably won't. I didn't. Why does it matter?"

"Just, I was raised to be cautious." Devin shifted uncomfortably. "And I guess you never get rid of that fear."

"Oh, so that's a no?"

"No, no. I do want to meet more people. I'm just...nervous." He looked at Ritchie. "Are they trustworthy?"

"Oh yeah." Ritchie smiled sadly as he moved to set his bowl in the sink. "I've known them for some time. They've been my friends this long, even with everything I've done out of anger. I think they'd like you."

"What about Eden?" The personification of Devin's anger and cruelty had decided to talk to Ritchie a couple times, so hiding him was off the table. He had a mind of their own.

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