OoO - God of Constellations

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God au


The castle built on the constellations sat bright in the sky. The glowing crystal walls reflected the brilliant starry abyss that he held control of. It was a scattering a towers, connected with platforms, floating in the sky; perfect for him.

Like the other celestial gods, he preferred open spaces, which was easy when you were a star god, rather than one of the three sun gods.

His wings folded in close as he ducked through the arches, twisted around the pillars, and dived toward the floor. His wings fluffed up as his boots hit the glittering crystal floor. The steps echoed as he shook out his limbs and walked toward the edge of the balcony, leaning on the gold railings. His favorite spot, followed closely by his library.

The balcony overlooked his sprawling garden of flowers, plants made of stardust and jewels; his life's work. He had gardened in his past life, his mortal life, and when he was given his title as God of Constellations, he had carried that hobby with him.

Tapping his fingers on the rail, he yawned. He had spent the day in a meeting with the other celestial gods, which was easier said then done. The oldest of them was Solis by several centuries, but he didn't pay attention well enough for them to get pass anything. Mania and Iroh became gods around the same time, and well both were mature, Iroh was always off keeping peace in the human world, and Mania tended to stick to other gods realms.

With his own tendency to space, Cal was really the only one who kept on track. The God of the Moon was the newest, yet he was the quickest to learn.

He rolled his shoulders back, flicking his pale gold wings. With multiple sets, three on his back and one placed where most had ears, he had a lot of limbs to deal with. His eyes swept across the large abyss that made up his home, his domain. Sometimes it was lonely — the other celestials lived on the sun and moon respectively, his siblings had each been given their own tasks entirely different from him when they became gods, and his husband had a very big job — but not always. After all, his daughter had begun working in his castle when she became old enough.


"Speak of the devil." Bryan turned, amber eyes scanning the large hall behind him. He spotted the horse, a beautiful pink mare with dove soft wings, quite quickly. The Pegasus slowly descended, landing on the brick floor with a click of hooves. The rider on top leaned out, grinning.

His daughter looked like her father, with warm brown skin and dark purple eyes framed by gold lenses, as well as his fluffy ears and tail; The other two had Bryan's wings, but not her. After that, her features started to line up with his.

Her wavy hair was pale pink faded to red, a mix of Bryan's pinkish grey and Inpu's own ombre hair. She had a collection of glowing freckles, like stars. That was something from Bryan as well, alongside the feathers that sprung from her hair.

She dismounted from her horse and patted her muzzle before turning to head over to Bryan, the plants along the balcony leaning towards her. While Atlas connected better with death and Lotus with light, she leaned towards the celestial gift most of the space gods shared; healing.

Bryan fully turned, opening his arms. She threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Afterward she bounced back and grinned at him, revealing sharp canines.

"I take it tea with Momiji went well." Bryan smiled at her softly. Femi and Lotus were energetic, at least compared to Atlas, especially when it came to their aunt.

"It went fantastic!" Femi clapped her hands together, eyes sparkling. "We had scones and tea and these little strawberry cakes that tasted amazing. And guess what! She managed to convince the water gods to let me view their library!"

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