OoO - The Desert

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I drew this idea a while ago. Basically all the pantheons lived in a separated dimension rather than modern, like some of the Egyptians had.

I'm still very proud of the drawing, so check it out, if you want. It's near the very end of my art book.

Also, apparently I've been spelling Dranne's name wrong for months.


Bryan stood before the portal in aw. He had never seen an inter-worldly portal before, and it was honestly something he couldn't describe.

He was apart of a mission given from the gods; him and other Demi-gods from around the little world they called home. He didn't know why they selected him, maybe for his healing magic or fighting skill, or the fact he had been learning charmspeak.

His wings folded close, brushing against his toga. He wore lighter clothes than usual, since they were heading to Egypt.

It sounded like they'd be meeting the Pharaoh of Egypt on the other side, and he'd lead them to the underworld to talk with the current pharaoh, Anubis.

He glanced around the room, spotting his two teammates who were waiting with him.

Lychee had been lounging across one of the fallen down pillars. The son of Dionysus was an interesting sight, being part demon apparently, at least that's how he worded it.

He had even skin and freckles, with pale hair that was pulled up high to deal with the desert heat. His eyes were menacing, a bright red surrounded by black.

"You ready?" He held his scythe over his head, spinning it lazily.

"Don't know. Hope I don't end up like Icarus." Bryan joked. He liked to joke when he was nervous, it made him seem less anxious than he usually was.

"That wouldn't be fun to watch." Mario added from his corner. The son of Zeus had been nervously fiddling with his sword.

The son of Zeus had a soft face, even for a warrior, with dark brown eyes and black hair pushed back buy a leather band. He wore a white toga, with a bright blue second layer, with his sword sheathe at his side. Occasionally he let out a little spark of lightning without realizing, most likely because of nerves.

He had been personally chosen by his father. A quest to prove himself a true son of Zeus; not nerve-racking at all.

"No, it wouldn't." Bryan agreed, chuckling. He turn his head as footsteps sounded behind him.

Their final two members walked up, the two seeming to still be involved in a deep conversation.

Xylo had seemed to lighten up on his usual dark armor, now wearing less layers and white armor rather than black, which made sense considering where they were going. His helmet rested under his arm.

He was still menacing to look at, everything considered. His brown hair was shaved at the sides but braided back down the back of his head in the middle, and dark tattoos detailed his skin. The son of Hades was a sight, and would stand out just as much as the rest of them.

Including the other person with him. Kay was in her more human esc form, her tail and wings sunk away, though her horns remained. He hair was pulled up and out of her face, pushing out her pointed ears and red scaled cheeks.

"Are we sure you coming along isn't a bad idea?" Xylo asked. "Aren't snakes like, bad in Egyptian myths?"

"Depends on the myth." Bryan added in, causing the two to look at him. "Apparently their underworld is full of them, which is where we are going."

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