1|Not MJ

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Riley's POV
Today was stressful, just like every other day, but today was slightly more stressful. I almost got robbed, that resulted in a split lip and I currently have not found anywhere to sleep.

After i told my parents I was gay they kicked me out, that was 6 months ago, i have managed to find places to sleep and food. School my only real escape. My only Friend Peter has been supporting me so sometimes if I really need to I will stay with him and May for a few days, I don't want to be a burden. I do work two jobs so I can buy food clothes and anything else I may need.

Currently I am on patrol as The Spider, I have powers like Spider-Man except my webs come out of my wrists and are not made in a lab like Spider-Man told me his are. I have a dominantly black suit with smaller areas of blue, similar to the suit Spider-Man has currently just the different colours From what I can gather I am stronger, faster and more agile than Spider-Man, The spider that bit us must have been different or its because I am a girl.

my arms and abs are slightly more tones than Spider-Man's but thats probably because I did martial arts from a very young age and go to the gym all the time, thats another thing my jobs pay for.

I got my spider bite the same day I was kicked out, i was strolling down the streets stressing because I had no idea what to do, my social and general anxiety didn't help with that either. I ended up spiralling into a panic attack, after somehow coming back from it I saw a spider sat next to me, I smiled and for some reason greeted it, then the motherfucker launched itself on me and bit me. It hurt, lots.

Within an hour I had strange powers, decided to make a suit and do some good for New York. where Spider-Man only really works in queens I do the whole of New York but that may be more so because I don't have a stable living situation that I need to go back to, I can sleep anywhere. I use web hammocks which are surprisingly comfortable for what they are.

One of Peter Parker's friends decide to speak to me today at school, it was MJ, she seems really nice actually, she gave me her number too. Peter knows that I am the spider and I know that he is Spider-Man, it helps us coordinate patrol.

Me and Peter don't speak much in school, his friends normally wish him away but it seems that they want to hang out as I sat with them at lunch and we had a bit of conversation, I was to nervous to speak much.

"Hey Riles" A voice says.

"Hey spider boy" I respond knowing it was Peter. "Why did you and your friends speak to me, and eat lunch with me?" I ask too curious not to.

"Honestly they have wanted to since I said I knew you and started speaking to you but they though you wouldn't want to so never really asked, I kept telling them they should and it seems MJ finally built up the courage" Peter rambles "are you alright for tonight, there is always room at my house...May loves you" Peter says, I shake my head.

Changing the subject I suggest teasingly "You need to build up some courage and ask MJ out" even with the mask on I can tell he is blushing.

"Sorry Riley I have to go, Mr Stark wants me to stay at avengers compound tonight. Something about an important meeting, be safe and text MJ. I spoke to Ned and he will give you his number tomorrow" Peter says before swinging away.

I sigh and find a quieter alley to put up a web hammock. The problem with the hammock is I have to keep my suit on but it's fine. Get my phone out and text the number MJ gave me.

Hey, its me Riley.
How are you?

After just laying my hammock listening to some music for a while I hear a ping, i lift up my phone to see the screen, a reply.

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