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General POV
Tony had decided to go and see Peter, to try and find any information on The Spider. He though that Peter might know where she was staying. He knew that she was just hit with a widow bite so would have to have some rest. Before Tony left for Peter's he decided to voice his thoughts.

"Right, this is just absolutely ridiculous. How did she manage to catch herself form that widow bite, she lost consciousness for less than ten seconds" Tony exclaimed.

"I have no I idea but I am glad she is alright" Nat announces still feeling slightly guilty about what she did, but she is reassured that she is alive so that's all that matters.

"She seems like a good dancer" Yelena joked, trying to lighten the mood. Nat just glared at her.

"Did you see her muscles though? She must work out lots" Wanda mumbled.

Nat looked at her while Tony announced "Wanda stop checking out the new kid, she could be super ugly under that mask. She could be straight too" Tony says, Wanda goes red and looks away. "Anyway I am going to Peters, see if he knows anything" Tony says before saying away. Not giving anyone else any time to respond.

When Tony arrives at Peters he knocks the door, very impatiently. Peter walks up to the door after glancing at Riley still in the body part of her super suit, her head being the only visible part of her body. Peter puts up the blanket so you cant see her suit, and so You can only see her head. Before finally opening the door to be met with a very impatient looking Tony Stark. Peter tries to close the door again but Tony keeps it open.

"Hey Mr Stark" Peter says nervously.

"Key kid, Let me in" Tony says as he pushes open the door, just enough so he can get in. He looks around the room analysing it before his eyes lock on the sleeping figure.

"Who is that and why are they all bruised, like the cut on their left eye brow, what's that about?" Tony questions, he walks over the figure wanting to check for any more bruise. But when he pulls the blanket off her gets more than her bargained for. He sees the spiders super suit.

"Shit, Riley's gonna kill me" Peter says. Tony puts the blanket back on her knowing she has just been hit by a widow bite.

"Peter, explain, but I will let her sleep. Nat did just shoot her" He says.

"Ok fine, so thats Riley Walker. She got kicked out of her parents house like 6 months ago for being gay. Uhhhhh I shouldn't have said that, you wont mind though, Steve and Bucky are gay. Anyway she has been living on the streets for 6 months and her parents died from drink driving 5 months ago. She gets all A* in school, in every subject. She's in my school in some of my classes. She gets 100% on like everyone test. I said that already. She doesn't need web shooters, her webs come out of her wrists and are made inside her I think. She is stronger, Faster and more agile than me. She did lots of martial arts as a kid and goes to the gym a lot so she is a food fighter and strong person-" Peter Rambles.

"Pete, I'm gonna stop you there, I know what I need to know now, okay. I need you to stop rambling please" Tony tells Peter. He feel bad about having to interrupt him but he needed too. Tony feels guilty that she has been living on the streets but knows that's why they have been unable to find the girl for sp long because she Will sleep somewhere different every night apart from being at school is probably constantly on the move.

"Oh I should probably mention that Riley has pretty bad social and general anxiety. She gets panic attacks and i think she might have an element of PTSD from some nights on the streets" Peter adds, Tony nods grateful for the information.

"I think we should wake her, i need to speak to her" Tony tells Peter who nods knowing that he can not win the argument.

Tony decide to quickly text the group chat and tell them he has got her, but accidentally he texts the wrong group chat. He hears Riley phone ping, so he picks it up. Of course Riley Walker Aka The Spider is the same bloody person they have been texting. Tony sighs, puts the phone down and tells Peter to hurry up.

"Riley, come on wake up. And don't panic my Mr Stark is here" Peter says.

"piss of Pete, I just got shot basically" Riley says.

"Yeah Pete" Tony say, chuckling at the pair. He is finding the situation slightly amusing. Riley's eyes open and she scans the room, her eyes land on Tony. She pulls the blanket over her whole body as she begins to hyperventilate, she has ended up stressing herself out. She knew the Avengers were after her, she feared what they would do, when Peter told her that The Avengers wanted her to Join she thought she would be locked up and confined to the compound, she didn't trust them. Now after hearing Stark speak to he she is slightly more willing, he seems genuine and knowing she has been texting the Avengers actually helped, she kind of knows them and their personalities. She trusts that they will not hurt her, she doesn't trust them, not yet anyway.

"Great, thank you Mr Stark" Peter says. "Come on Riley, follow my breaths, count to ten with me got it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Riley its ok. Mr Stark only wants to talk to you. But i kinda accidents blurted your life story, I got super nervous. It also seems that you had Tony's number as he texted someone and your phone pinged" Peter adds, Tony glares at him.

"Shit, your Mr Ego aren't you, god I accidentally texted Steve Rogers, that's why red was so suspicious of me. I'm such an idiot" Riley mumbles.

"Right I need to talk to you" Tony starts "I need you to become an avenger, you are strong, agile, fast/ basically a better version of Pete. Even better smarts and all. Please accept the offer, we have a spare room in the tower on the floor of teenagers, there is Wanda's, Pietro's and Peter's room on that floor. Nick Fury has been pestering us and wanting you on the team. You could still come to school and do your vigilante work, but you would be able to live at the tower" Tony offers.

Riley ponders the thought. She know Peter seems to be safe and happy when around the Avengers and on nights when he has come back from the compound. Seeing how genuine Tony is reassures her but she isn't completely sure.

"You will have the same standards as Peter, Fury wants you on the team as you would be a good asset. We want to repay the favour to Fury. He helped sort out the mess of the accords that could have gone a lot worse" Tony offers gently, reassuring the girl. 

After some thinking Riley decides"Okay, but I don't want to meet everyone all at the same time. I would be too nervous and make a fool of myself like I did in front of you. And can we hold of on telling everyone that in the Riley that you have been texting. And I a allowed to leave whenever I want to if I do not want to stay. Other than that ill accept your deal" Riley says, Tony and Riley shake hands.

"Deal" Tony adds. "I accept your terms, I'll come and pick you up i tomorrow, sound good?" Tony question Riley who nods before laying back on the sofa, covering in herself with the blanket and falling back to sleep.

"Yay! Mission success" Tony mumbles to himself happily. He nods towards Peter and flies off to tell everyone how successful he has been and is living up to his name of 'Mr Ego'

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