40|Chaos Erupts

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General POV
The Avengers have arrived back at the compound and stretching form the long car journey. It's is midnight and they are all tired from the long day they had. Peter is tiredly walking into the compound learning on Tony. Bucky is piggy backing Riley on her request, and Wanda is walking next to them laughing at the pair.

Eventually Bucky put Riley down when they arrived at his room, Riley and Wanda walked to their rooms and gave each other a kiss goodnight before going their separate ways. Riley climbed into bed tiredly after taking of her shirt and putting on some shorts, she left her sports bra on after not really being bothered to take it off. She got under the covers and fell asleep almost instantly.

Wanda put on some pyjamas tiredly but found herself struggling to sleep, eventually she managed to after going on her phone for a while. Her sleep didn't last long as she shot up from the bed after another nightmare, she hated the though of losing her brother and it haunted her.

She laid it bed staring at the ceiling, every time she closed her eyes the image of Pietro's body laying on the floor appeared in her mind. Glancing at the clock, She got out of bed. It was 2:00am.

Wanda left her room and gently opened Riley's bedroom door after knocking gently. Carefully she climbed into Riley's bed and snuggled herself against the smaller girl. Riley felt the body next to her and opened her eyes. She was ready to attack if she needed to but when she saw her girlfriend a light smile made its way onto her face. "Are you alright darling?" Riley asked Wanda, she was slightly worried as to why the girl had come in the room but was glad she was the person Wanda came to see.

"Yeah, I had a Nightmare. Can I stay here?" Wanda questions tiredly, just being in Rileys pre she was comforting and calming.

"Yeah, goodnight" Riley mumbles, she closes her eyes and drifts of along with Wanda.

Riley woke up the next morning before Wanda, she brushed her teeth and hair, she also got dressed into some gym clothes as she was training with Nat and Yelena this morning but decided to wait for Wanda to get up.

Riley could tell Wanda was in a deep sleep so quietly exited the room to make Wanda some breakfast. After making some pancakes Riley put them on a tray with a glass of milk and walked to her room. She placed the food on the small table next to the bed and gently kissed her girlfriend on the head.

"Morning darling, I made you some breakfast. I need to go to training with Nat and Yelena" Riley whispered into the girls ear Wanda started to stir. Wanda opened her eyes slowly and smiled when she was a greeted with the calming grey eyes of her girlfriend.

"Thank you" Wanda said, speaking about both the food and letting her stay last night.

"It's alright, I will see you later babe" Riley says, smiling she leaves the room.

"Bye angel" Wanda says, Riley just catches it causing her smile to widen. She meets up with Nat and Yelena in the training room, they have already started sparing. Riley watches the pair and eventually Nat wins.

"You have finally made it" Yelena says earning a hit from Nat. "What was that for?" The girl questions.

"oh, I just wanted to" Nay says chuckling lightly.

"For that comment I'll spar with you first Yelena" Riley says. Yelena nods.

"No webs or spidey grip thing" Yelena says, Putting her hands up ready to fight. Riley mirrors her movements and nat begins to count.

"GO!" She exclaims and the two girls get ready, Yelena goes to attack first but Riley doges easily and jumped behind Yelena and quickly jabs her in the back, Yelena doubles over but managed to catch herself before falling fully. Yelena goes to swipe Rileys legs from under her but Riley jumps over the kick.

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