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General POV
Riley made the decision that today she will ask Wanda on a date and confess her feelings, and Riley is very, very, very nervous. Riley decides to get Wanda some roses so she puts on her spider suit and swings to the nearest shop to find some nice roses. She makes sure to get a card as well so she can write a note to Wanda just incase she gets to nervous and splutters something stupid out.

Riley swings back to the compound with the rose in hand (A/N, rose above) she takes her suit of and carefully places the rose on her desk. She gets the note card and gets out a note pad to do some drafts before writing it up, the card says

'Wanda, I like you, in a different way to what you may think, I know you are very clearly out of my league but I decided that I will try, try to be yours. I completely understand if you do not feel the same way but Wanda Maximoff know that I Riley Walker am waiting for you, I will always be here for you even if you do not want anything more than friendship'

Riley finishes the note satisfied with what is says. She decides to wait a little bit before asking, she puts the rose in a glass jar with some water while she thinks about what to say to Wanda.

She decides to draw something as it may help her think and clam her nerves. She decided to draw a bird, wanting the freedom that the animals have, to be able to fly in the wind like a bird would be something Riley imagines to be freeing and relaxing.

Riley finishes her sketch and decide to give it to Wanda as a gift, as the only think that Riley could think of while drawing it was Wanda. Riley musters up the courage to ask Wanda out, she grabs the rose and flower note along with her drawing and knocks on Wanda's door.

Wanda opens the door with her magic and lets Riley in. "Erm, I wanted to tell you something, if you are busy I can tell you later" Riley says nervously.

"No its alright, I'm not doing anything particularly important" Wanda says, giving Riley her attention.

Riley takes in a shakes breath before speaking "erm so, I, erm, I like you Wanda, I like you more than a friend. I knew as soon as I looked in your eyes, no, when I got lost in your eyes, it was like a Deep, stormy ocean where whenever I tried to escape a colossal wave would wash over me pushing me further under the water but even though i'm drowning I don't want to come up for air if that means looking away. I knew when every time we would touch or share glances it felt like a zoo had been let loose, I knew when all I could think about was you. I am falling for you Wanda Maximoff and I was hoping you could catch me?" Riley offers.

Wanda smiles "I-I like you too Riley, I can catch you" Wanda says, Riley smiles and presents Wanda with the rose.

"I got you a rose, it was an impulsive decision but thought it matched your powers with colour and red roses mean something to do with more than friends so i just thought i should get one..." Riley rambles nervously before trailing off when she hears Wanda quietly reading the note.

"Wanda, I like you, in a different way to what you may think, I know you are very clearly out of my league but I decided that I will try, try to be yours. I completely understand if you do not feel the same way but Wanda Maximoff know that I Riley Walker am waiting for you, I will always be here for you even if you do not want anything more than friendship" Wanda reads from the card quietly, she smiles gratefully.

"I think it is you who is out of my league Riley" Wanda tells the girl who blushes.

"While trying to calm my nerves down to confess I also drew a picture of a bird but while I drew it my thoughts were all about you so I thought I could give it to you if you wanted it" Riley says nervously before handing Wanda the picture.

"While trying to calm my nerves down to confess I also drew a picture of a bird but while I drew it my thoughts were all about you so I thought I could give it to you if you wanted it" Riley says nervously before handing Wanda the picture

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Wanda smiles and hugs Riley "its amazing, you didn't have to get me so much, i feel bad not being able to give you something" she adds.

Riley chuckles, before fiddling with her hands anxiously, she wants to ask Wanda something and its making her very nervous "Erm, would you like to go on a date? with me?" Riley questions, Wanda nods

"I would love to" Wanda responds

"How about Tonight we could go on a walk around central park and a lake or something. Then maybe get some food?" Riley says nervously. Wanda nods again "I would wear something casual" Riley adds. "I'll knock on your bedroom door at nine?"

"Okay, I'll see you later" Wanda says, Riley nods and skips, properly skips out of the room so happy and full of joy. Wanda's smile is wide as she puts up the picture of the bird and flops on her bed. Both girls are so purely happy, a feeling Riley hasn't truly felt in a long time.

Riley skips into the kitchen where she sees Peter. "What's got you so happy?" He questions.

"I have a date" she says proudly, Peter guesses who it is and runs to hug Riley.

"It is Wanda isn't it?" He questions stopping just in front of Riley. Riley nods and Peter tightly hugs her.

"I told you that you stood a chance. Go Riley" Peter cheers. "I am glad you found the courage" He teases, Riley just hits him on the arm playfully.

"You should ask MJ out, I know she has feelings for you" Riley tells Peter who just glares at her "Sorry but you did it to me so I'm doing it to you, payback bitch" Riley says, Her and peter lapse into a fit of giggles and that is how Natasha and Tony walk in and find them. Tony tries and fails to suppress a smile and Nat chuckles at the pair.

"Peter, Riley. Get off the floor" Tony says, Riley and Peter stop laughing and look at each other, they both smile and fall into another fit of giggles, Nat and Tony walk away and sit at the table they finally stop laughing and decide to get some food. Riley makes some pasta and sits next to Nat.

"Hey Riley, do you want to train tomorrow? I haven't sparred with you in a while" Natasha asks, Riley nods in agreement. "Yelena might want to spar too, I'll ask her" Nat adds.

"I forgot to tell everyone but Clint and Kate have left to go to Clint's house and see his family" Tony announces to everyone, as most of the Avengers have come into the kitchen to eat.

"I am afraid I must leave for Asgard, I have some things i must attend to, Loki will be staying here. Farewell mortals and brother" Thro says before leaving.

"Well that was sudden, must have been an impulsive decision" Riley mutters, but everyone hears her and starts laughing as she goes red from embarrassment.

Hello readers, thank yo all so much for nearly 700 reads! That crazy.
I was thinking about leaving yo all waiting a bit longer for this chapter but decided to be nice and publish it today :) love you all! THANK YOUUUUU!!!!

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