12|The Spider

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General POV
Tony flew back to the compound which a massive smile on his face. He was so chuffed with himself. He decided to reward himself he would get some birthday cake. Tony got a pretty big one, enough to feed everyone in the compound.

It did say 'happy birthday my little princess' with some stars and a castle converted in pink frosting but it was the only one he could get that would feed everyone. Tony walked into the compound cake in hand, get got out some plates and each person a glass of water, but he gave himself some fancy expensive wine. Tony payed the cake in the middle of the table and got each avenger a portion, he obviously had the biggest piece but there was still some left over for anyone who wanted more.

The rest of the Avengers slowly filtered into the kitchen. They were all very confused. Tony ushered everyone to sit down before standing up himself "I have announcement to make" He said "this cake is for me-" Tony stated but was interrupted by Yelena

"Well stark I know its not your birthday and I didn't know you were a little princess" Yelena teases, many Avengers laugh.

"As I was saying before I was RUDLY interrupted. I have managed to get The Spider, so this celebration is for me. Oh and I also discovered the person that we have been speaking to is The Spider, Oh Riley didn't want me to say that. Shit. Anyway cheers" Tony says before drinking, everyone just looked at their glasses of water, feeling offended they would have wanted wine or a beer.

"Sorry, But I do not see this spider lady anywhere so cancel the toast" Loki announces.

"She has agreed to come over tomorrow and she will live here permanently, peter is on his way so will fill you in on the details. But Rileys backstory is the spiders backstory so remember that" Tony says.

"Ha so she is gay, not straight" Wanda says, she regrets it instantly as all eyes turn to her, "forget I said anything" she adds when smiles form on each Avengers faces as they all try and hold in a laugh.

"I will admit she isn't exactly ugly either" Tony said.

"Tony, she is sixteen, and you are in a committed relationship" Steve informs Tony.

"Capsicle, I didn't mean it like that. i was talking to Wanda anyway" Tony defends.

Peter walks in through the door, he looks at the table and the cake "Oooooo, I want some cake" peter says, he gets closer "Why is it pink, its no one birthday is it. I'm sorry I forgot, i'll get you a gift today" Peter rushes.

"peter, calm down its no ones birthday, Tony decided to celebrate catching the spider. But from what i can gather he just made a deal with her?" Nat asks, Peter nods. "Where did you find her Tony?' Nat questions.

"At Peters actually, it seems they are good friends and go to school together and everything. Wait if she is in your school year how is she still sixteen, that was a bad question she's super smart so was moved up a year, right?" Tony questions and Peter nods again. "I accidentally gave her a panic attack when she woke, but we made a deal, she was asleep on Peters sofa" Tony adds, Nat feels guilty, but decides to push it down knowing that girl is alright.

Hi so I know you guys are the avenger
Have I guessed the contacts right?
Clint - arrow
Steve - Mr Frosty
Bucky - winter
Nat- red
Yelena - Macaroni
Tony - Mr Ego
Pietro - speed
Wanda - witch
Bruce - Mr scientist
Sam - Mr Birdman
Vision - Robot
Thor - thunder
Loki - Snake

Mr Frosty:
Contacts are correct
Are you okay?
You fell like over a thousand feet.

Erm kinda?

Why was that a question?
You should know if you are okay or not

I am fine then
Oh let me add Pete

*Riley added Spider-Boy*

We are all in the same room
just to let you know Riley 

Ok see everyone tomorrow
I just really wanted to know If I had guessed right
But I have, I'm so smart right Pete?



Riley leaves the chat to go on patrol again. She was supposed to go on it when she got shot by the Avengers so she didn't finish. Riley puts on her suit again, she gets a quick snack which is an apple and puts her bag in Peter's room, she leaves her bag at Peter's apartment sometimes when she is patrolling and since she would be coming back anyway it made sense.

Riley plays her music and makes sure no one is around before jumping out of Peters window and swinging away. After a good hour of patrolling and helping a few people with directions Riley is heading home but on the way she spots a seemingly suspicious vehicle. It's a black van but she can see the shimmering of something in the front window. Riley follows the van so she can get a closer look, when it pulls over at a garage she looks in the van window again. The shimmering was just a mirror.

Riley sighs in relief and goes to swing away but as she swings on her web she gets shot down by a powerful blast. She turns to see that the woman in the van is holding a powerful looking gun with alien technology as a power source.

She tries to web the woman up but she dodges easily as her weapon is very compact. The woman shoots again and Riley gets a good look at what the blast is, it seems to be an orb of power, or something. It looks warped, it looks powerful. Riley doesn't have time to be a science nerd because the blast hits her right in the face.

"Do you think I'm Stupid spider?" The person questions. "I needed you to lower you defences, The mirror was a trick to see if anyone would follow me, the real weapons were properly hidden. Anyone who decided to follow me could die a painful death, that was the plan. Shall we see if it is painful enough for you spider?" The woman questions again. Riley just runs in for the attack but is blown back by another blast. She is shot into an abandoned building, many bricks fall on her. But Riley managed to get out, she is bruised and very sore.

The woman shoots another powerful bast that hits Riley in the shoulder, dislocating it. 5 more people run out of the van each with weapons, they all are wearing masks, and here Riley was thinking she could get home early. Riley new this would be a long fight, she was severely outnumbered and outgunned. One of them even had some sort of modified katana. 'This would be tricky' Riley though before running at one of the masked people.


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