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Riley's POV
It has been three days since anyone has texted on the group chat, I think there is some tension between red, and Mr Frosty from what I can gather. I have a feeling they all live together or at least work together.

I have also gone three days without sleep. I haven't found a place to stay for longer than thirty minutes. I am exhausted but have to get through another day of school. I received my biology test back and to no surprise I aced it. Top of the class. Peter has noticed my tired state over these past few days sending me glances when I am close to falling asleep in class or worried no over me when I am zoning out.

Sometimes he cares to much, Peter is honestly too goof for this world, but he needs to stop worrying over me and worry over someone else. MJ and Ned have been helping me by bringing me food. They have been keeping me company at work. I got fired from one of my jobs so now only work in Starbucks. Because I get less pay Mj has been lending me some clothes and food, Ned has been giving me some equipment for school and letting me use his charger whenever I need. Peter has been allowing me to store some of my stuff in his house because I cannot afford to lose it.

I am just so tired.

Tired of relying on others. Tired of being dependant on people. Tired of living on the streets. Tired of Flash. Tired of being a burden. Tired of my anxiety. Tired of my life.

everyday is the same. Go to school, try and find a place to sleep but fail. Patrol for a little, eat a small amount at some point in the day and repeat. Sleeping and eating are very rarely apart of that cycle.

I know that I need to stay though, New York needs me, Peter needs me, he wouldn't like to patrol alone, I don't want to put the guilt and grief on my friends, my new family. I can't do that to them, my parents did it to me and I don't want to have anyone else deal with that because of my death, its unfair. I managed to get over my parents but it took time, and that time took a toll on me.

"Hey, Rileyyyyyyy, your zoning out again" I hear Peter whine snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Pete, what were you saying?" I question, not having followed any of the conversation.

"Well MJ was telling you to eat and forcing food in front of you and I was offering for you to stay the night at my place, I know you haven't been sleeping. Pleeeeaaase, for me Riley. I really want a sleepover" Peter says giving me puppy eyes. I roll my eyes nodding slowly. one night isn't too bad and I really need to sleep, Peter seems to really want me to come so It must be alright. "YAY!" Peter exclaims loudly. Many heads turn in our direction and I hang my head low, suddenly finding my feet very interesting. After a few minutes the heads turn away.

I hear my phone ping "sorry, one sec" I say to Ned, Peter and MJ they nod and go back to their casual conversation.

Im sorry for blowing up on you Riley
My past has given me a few trust issues

She can be a bit of a bitch sometimes
That adds to her horrid personality

Your so mean
Be nice to your sister

Yeah Russian
You can be a bitch sometimes too

Well at least I'm not a bitch all the time
Unlike you, who is a bitch all day every day

Mr Frosty:
Can you two stop now
Please you guys are so stupid
Riley is in school
You probably got her in trouble

Well your doing it too now
You probably got her in trouble

None of you got me in trouble
It is currently lunch
I accept your apology red
But blowing up, is a bit of an exaggeration 
You mildly attacked me
that sounds more accurate

Stop attacking Riley, Red

Real mature

Can you girls stop arguing like a bunch of children
Just be quiet
My phone is being blown up by you two
Hi Riley!

Hi Winter!

Mr Frosty:
Hi Riley!

Hi Mr Frosty!

who are the children now?
You guys

Now technically I am still a child anyway
16 remember
So that shit doesn't work on me

She got you Russian

Shut up
Bye my macaroni is done
I need some hot sauce

*Riley has changed Russian to Macaroni*

I think it sounds better than Russian so
Russian you are now Macaroni
Or mac for short I guess
Shit I got have to go
My next class is starting

Mr Frosty:




I rush to my next class, I shouldn't have lost track of time. Uhhhhh. After running down the corridors I rush into the room and put my bags down seconds before the teacher walks in. I breathe a sigh of relief before getting my stuff out. MJ leans over to me. "Close call" MJ says, she chuckles slightly and I laugh along.

"Definitely, another few seconds and my head would be rolling along the floor" I joke back, we both chuckles but stop when the teacher speaks. "Please answer the questions on the board in silence. You have. 10 Minutes" he says before setting a timer and going back to doing something on his computer.

I finish the questions in a couple of minutes but just cant be bothered to tell our teacher. I lay my head on the desk waiting for the timer to finish. I can feel the teachers eyes on me and I hear his footsteps as he walks over to me so I raise my head.

"Finished or just cant be bothered?" he questions, I hadn't him my paper and he goes through the questions seemingly marking them in his head. "All of them are correct? Did you cheat?" he question.

"No sir" I respond quietly.

"Ok, wait for the timer to finish and I will have more work for you to do if you finish early next time" he replies before walking back over to his desk and sitting down.

I lay my head back on the desk and lift it this time when the timer actually finishes

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