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Wanda's POV
The date is the 24th December, a day before Christmas, and the compound is as dull as ever. It has been silently decided that there is going to be much festivity in the compound. I think people are just going to leave a small give in front of doors or they don't have to give gifts. No one is really in the mood for any of that. We all just want to find Riley, alive.

We are all tired, I don't think many of us in the compound are getting much sleep. Peter has been with his Aunt this week but is coming to the compound tomorrow a little later in the day after celebrating with May.

These past few week have been very busy. We have visited many Hydra bases, a total of 7, and found nothing. Tony has been digging through the USB but not much have been found. Tony has to work harder to crack the software after he cracks one part. It's as if each base or part of information is like a level, you pass one level and move onto the next. So the more software Tony gets the more secure the base is and the higher chase we have of finding Riley.

After finding a base and searching it we always make sure to destroy it, incase they have anything dangerous.

Clint and Kate have decided to go to the farm for Christmas, Thor and Loki are in Asgard for the day. So it just leaves, Me, Pietro, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Yelena, Natasha, Bruce and later Peter who will be in the compound tomorrow.

"Wandaaaaa" Pietro whines, "will you at least come out of your room, I need to do something" he adds. I have been spending lots more time in my room thinking. I don't like going out much. I try and do things to distract myself but most of the time when I leave my room my eyes are red, and I look a mess. It is always obvious I have been crying. I don't want everyone to know.

I wipe my eyes and open my door, with my powers, allowing Pietro to come inside. He smiles sadly and wraps me in a hug. "Wanda, I know you are sad and grieving. I know you miss Riley, we all do, but you can't just sit around all day, you need to do something. Please" Pietro offers gently.

I nod and leave the room with Pietro. He takes me to the kitchen where the other Avengers are eating some macaroni, that must have been cooked by Yelena. I sit down Next to Natasha and Pietro sits on the other side of me.

"You alright?" Natasha asks me gently.

"Yeah, did Yelena cook this?" I ask, Nat chuckles lightly.

"She really is predictable, isn't she?" Nat says, laughing lightly. I chuckle lightly and nod.

I watch as Yelena adds hot sauce to her macaroni. Me and Nat laugh her at her childish expression as a cheeky smile forms on her face. Yelena looks towards us and pouts, again, childishly.

"I cooked it so I can put what I want on it" Yelena states grumpily, along with mumbling something under her breath and beginning to eat her pasta. Me and Nat chuckle again.

"You wouldn't think she is older than me" I say.

"Oh My gosh she is, she acts younger than Peter, sometimes I think she is a toddler. I suppose she was robbed of most of her childhood, so she feels she has to make up for it by being childish" Nat jokes, I smile at how similar their bond is to mine and Pietro's.

I eat quietly as everyone talk gently. Sam and Bucky end up throwing macaroni at each other's faces and Steve has to break up the fight, which happens most days. They can't seem to get along but are best friends. They have a strange relationship.

"I'll see you tomorrow, thank Yelena for the macaroni for me?" I tell Natasha and leave the room to go to my room, I lay down and slowly drift to sleep.

*Time Skip to the morning*

I slowly wake up still feeling slightly sleepy. I stretch slightly and sit up slowly while rubbing my eyes. I frown sadly when I realise that while Riley is stuck in Hydra, the Avengers a in the compound for Christmas.

I open my door to find a small gift outside, from Pietro. I pick it up smiling and open it. I find a picture of me, him, Peter and Riley. From when we went to the amusement park. Pietro has jumped on Riley shoulders and is holding some large penguin he won and I'm stood there, shaking my head, frowning, a little, at the pair while also trying to hold in a laugh and hold back a smile, while Peter is on the floor laughing, at the penguin Pietro has due to its very strange expression which looks very aggressive as there is also stuffed a knife in the penguin's hand. There is also a small card that reads 'Peter gave me this picture a few days ago, he said that Sam had been going round taking picture of everyone and took this one, he gave peter the picture and Peter gave it to me, Merry Christmas, love Pietro :)'

I put up the picture on my shelf and go to Pietro's room to wish him a merry Christmas. All of the Avengers are in the main room when me and Pieter arrive. Peter walks through the door with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello, you all look so grumpy" Peter says.

"Well why are you so cheery" Bucky responds glumly.

"Well I spoke to May, and she said that there is no point in me being all grumpy as it wont to anything other than make other people feel the same way. She told me that Riley is strong, and that she survived a long time on the streets and will not give in easily. I am still sad and miss her, I just don't want everyone else to be sad and glum because I add that to that atmosphere. Besides we could do something much better with our time than being sad, like watching the grinch. So please can we?" Peter asks, Tony smiles and laughs lightly along with a few others.

"Which version?" Steve asks while getting up

"The animated one" Peter says, a cheeky smile on his face.

There are murmurs of agreement as everyone heads to the movie room to watch the grinch, what a strange Christmas, I just wish Riley was here. She always knows how to lighten the mood.

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