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General POV
Riley picks the man up by the fabric around his neck, she analyses him. Riley notices something in his mouth. A Fake tooth. She rips the fake tooth out and chucks it put the broken window. 

She webs the man to the wall from his hands and walks over to Peter, who is holding his shoulder, pain evident in his expression. Riley helps him sit up and gently moves his hand away from his wound. She breathes a relieved sigh upon seeing it, the wound isn't too deep and may not even need stitches. She hugs the boy she sees as a brother and sits next to him. She fiddles with her hands anxiously as her thoughts spiral, she feels her breathing being restricted and a panic attack bubbling.

'Wanda nearly got shot, Peter was grazed by a bullet, someone is after me, Wanda nearly got shot, Peter was grazed by a bullet, someone is after me'  these thoughts repeat in Riley's head as the panic sets in. She doesn't want anyone she cares for to become injured especially if it is because of her. Wanda slowly makes it over to Riley, she can see the girls the panic and wraps her in a hug. Riley listens to Wanda's heart and tries to match her breathing. She calms down and kisses Wanda gently. The thought for Wanda leaving her scares Riley massively.

"Hydra" Bucky mumbles, his body is stiff and tense. He brushes his hand though his hair nervously.

"What do they want with Riley?" Sam questions.

"Well I know someone who can tell us" Natasha says while looking over to the man webbed to the wall.

Tony and Pepper walk over to Peter and help him off the floor "I'll take Peter to Med bay, take him to one of the interrogation rooms, I'll meet you there" Tony says and walks away with Peter and Pepper, Bruce is following closely behind.

Steve rips the man off the wall aggressively, he can see how scared Bucky is and hates to see his boyfriend like that and thought Hydra was gone so is very frustrated.

Riley follow close behind, Wanda and Nat follow nervously, they fear for Riley. Pietro hugs his sister,  he was terrified for his twin after seeing that red dot on her chest. The other avengers go to their rooms, some stay to help clean up the broken glass, Tony called someone to replace it once making sure Peter is going to be alright.

Steve angrily places the Hydra agent on the chair and sits in the place opposite him. Nat also walks into the room with a gun in her hand and aims it at the agents head. Bucky decided to come into the room as well, he cant let Hydra defeat him. He holds his metal arm up ready to punch.

The Hydra man fears for his life, three Very angry avengers are in a small confined space with him and look ready to murder.

"What do you want to know" he stutters out quickly.

"Why do they want Riley?" Wanda questions.

"The spider girl, boss wants her DNA or something, they don't tell us everything but they have some sort of past relationship with her. I am not sure. They have wanted her for a while I think, b-been waiting for the right moment maybe. They have wanted the super solider serum but I think her DNA is an upgraded version. Stronger, faster, enhanced senses, shooting webs and sticking to walls. They want to kill her but first need the DNA" he stutters nervously, but his feared expression soon turns into a smile, a deranged smile, the man laughs maniacally and turns to Riley. "They are going to hunt you down, and anything that gets in their way will be killed. The boss really wants you and will do anything to get you. But they won't just take you they want you DNA but also want to see you in pain, they will wait until you are begging to die, but will only kill you when they are done with you your life will be living hell, and death will feel better than the existence you have. Everyone is disposable its just a matter of when" he laughs "Hail Hydra" he pulls a, small well hidden, gun from his belt and shoots himself in the head. Blood drips onto the floor. The webs has been slightly ripped from how Steve took the man off teh wall and therefore were easier to break.

"FRIDAY, tell everyone to go to the meeting room. It's urgent" Steve informs the AI, Riley is stood there frozen she fears more for the people around her than herself, she tries to scan her mind for anyone she knows who would do this but cant find anyone. Natasha gently pulls Riley into a hug.

"We will keep you safe Riley, I promise" Natasha tells the girl.

"It's not exactly me I'm worried about" Riley says anxiously.

"Come on lets got to the meeting room, we can talk about what to do and how to keep us all safe, yeah?" Nat says gently, she doesn't want to push the girl into anything when she is already extremely anxious, Riley nods.

"Give me a minute, I'll meet you there" she says quietly before running of. Riley goes to her room and puts her headphones on, her needs something to calm her anxiety and music has always done it best. Riley taps her fingers to the music gently as she attempts to calm down. Riley manages to calm herself down enough that she feels ready to go into the meeting room.

The people in the room turn to look in her direction. All of the avengers are there, Sam, Bruce, peter, Bucky, Steve, Tony, Clint, Pietro, Thor, Loki, Vision, Wanda, Yelena, Natasha, and Kate, Pepper is also there even though she is not an avenger.

Riley sits down next to Wanda silently. She still has her headphones over one ear so she can listen to music while talking. "You and peter are not going to school" Tony says.

"NO! I will go to school" Riley exclaims. "They expect us to stay at the compound, to cower and hide. I still fear for everyone's safety, so maybe Peter should stay here but by going to school I am not putting any of you in danger. The more time I stay in the compound the more danger you are all in. We cant do what they expect us to do, we need to be unpredictable yet still prepared for anything" Riley announces, everyone takes in what she says.

"I am going to school too, you cant keep me back. I don't want to be stuck in the compound, me and Riley can protect each other" Peter says

"Fine, but you will have trackers placed on you whenever you leave the compound, i will put them behind you ear, will blend in with your skin and be so small its not noticeable" Tony announces, he had had these trackers for weeks, he wanted to make sure Peter would be safe if anything happened. "Happy can also pick Riley and Peter up from school every day to make sure they get back to the compound safely. Or to May's house if Peter wants" Tony adds.

Everyone agrees and Tony takes Riley and Peter up to his lab to put the tracker on them, the rest of the avengers will be staying in the compound so shouldn't need trackers.

The Avengers need to be prepared, they are in danger, more than they know. They just need to be prepared, for anything.

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