21|First Mission

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Riley's POV
Today is the day I am supposed to be going on a mission with Steve and Bucky to take back some weapons that some dangerous people that stole alien tech to make them. It is going to be a rough mission as these people are very much like the people I fought about a month ago. There must be a group of them who managed to get these alien power sources and build weapons. I am incredibly nervous for this mission since when I last dealt with these people I very nearly died, sort of.

"Right Riley and Bucky suit up, we need to get on the jet. We are heading to California, these people fled after Riley last dealt with them so we need to leave in ten minutes" Steve announces. I nod before heading to my room and quickly changing into my suit. I grab an oversized hoodie and put that on top of my suit.

I fiddle with my hands as my anxiety builds. The problem with this business is that anxiety and fear are always present. You don't want anyone you love and care about to die and they might on any mission. Trepidation is the word to describe it best, that feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. A person may die, they may not, you may lose, you may not. It a tough line of work and an even tougher way to live but sometimes you have to deal with and use that feeling.

I hold my mask in my hands and put my phones in the hoodie pocket while putting my headphones on. I walk towards the jet and while walking I come across Wanda.

"Oh there you are Riley, I was looking all around the compound for you" Wanda says before hugging me. This seems to set my body alight as butterflies dance inside me, this hasn't happened before and me and Wanda have hugged many times. Oh shit, erm I think I now like Wanda. I mean who wouldn't she's stunning and amazing. Wanda breaks me out of my thought by mumbling into my shoulder "please by safe Riley, don't get yourself killed either. Come back to the compound with no injuries, please" Wanda takes her head out of my shoulder and tilts her head slightly to look me in the eyes. Wanda is just a little bit taller than me, she is around 5,6 while I am around 5,4  and stand a little shorter than Nat who is 5,5. I smile and nod. (A/N lets say there is 4-6cm between Wanda and Riley or you can choose the height)

"I will try my best Wanda" I respond sincerely. Wanda hugs me again tightly and nods into my shoulder.

"You better, Tony told me what happened last time you dealt with them" she informs me. I nod again once more, in a way that says 'I promise' and smile towards Wanda before walking away. Wanda smiles back nervously and walks back through the door she came through.

I get onto the jet and Steve and Bucky smile acknowledging my presence before informing the pilot that they can start the jet. "We have a five hour flight so get comfortable everyone" the pilot says. Steve sits to my left and Bucky sits opposite us.

"Do we have a good plan or are we being impulsive ad just going for it?" I question already knowing the answer, this is Steve's mission there will be a plan.

"We do have a plan. From what Stark has told me there is a warehouse which is used to store the weapons, there is many workers and guards there but we should be able to handle it. Riley you are going to web all of them up when you see them and once they are all webbed up one by one we can arrest them and SHIELD agents along with the police will deal with it from there" Steve tells me and Bucky. I nod. "We will head inside and Riley as I said will web up the guards and workers. Me and Bucky will safely take the weapons away so SHIELD can take them" Steve adds.

We all talk casually for a few hours just making any general conversation, until Bucky asks "Riley, have you ever though about being adopted or, well yeah?" Bucky asks nervously. I chuckle at how the scene the ended.

"No i have never really thought about it, obviously I would love to have parents and a proper family but The Avengers have, I suppose, sort of become a new family" I respond, I glance over at Steve and see him giving Bucky death glares. I laugh lightly at the pair. They are a cute couple.

Steve gets up and goes over to Bucky, he scolds him about something and sits next to him. They link their hands and teasingly I awwwww at them. They both look at me and give me a death glare. I raise my hands up in surrender, "jeez, sorry. You don't have to be so defensive about it" say, they both just laugh. I frown at the pair pretending to be grumpy. They just continue to laugh. I shake my head at the couple and get my phone out and put my headphones on since we are only an hour away.

"Hello, Riley we are here" Bucky tells me after a while. I nod and get up taking my headphones and jumper of and putting them along with my phones on the seat. I put my mask over my face and walk over to the exit.

"Remember the plan?" Steve asks me and I nod again "okay then, We have the cover of the night to help us, lets go" Steve informs us and we all get of the jet.

Steve and Bucky go in a different direction, the fastest way to get to the weapons is different from where I need to go the web up the guards and workers. I head inside the warehouse, making sure I am sneaky and quiet so no one knows I am there. I crawl on the ceiling and while there web up as many people as I can without being spotted but after only webbing up four someone looks up and screams "The Spider on the ceiling, the new Avenger is here, get your weapons ready" they shout. Luckily only a few of them are holding the alien weapons but the rest have guns and knives which is going to make this so much fun, note the sarcasm.

I flip through the air webbing up three more, each of them having an alien weapon. There is now only two with alien weapons but as I go to web them up they fire their weapons. I am shot backwards and hit the floor with a loud and painful thud. I quickly get up and punch the people heading towards me. My spidey senses are gong off like crazy with so many dangerous people around me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to focus and get ready for a tough fight. I open my eyes and attack. Punches and kicks fly everywhere and somehow in the mess I managed to web up most of them, five people remain. None of them have an alien weapon but they all have guns.

"Three, two, one. FIRE" one of them shouts and they all shoot the remaining bullets they have in their guns at me. I dodge and weave while shooting my webs, I manage to web them all up but of course one of the bullets grazes my right upper arm. I hiss and fall to the floor in pain grabbing my arm. I keep pressure on it to stop the bleeding, luckily it didn't graze it that badly so I should be fine. I consider shooting a web at the wound but that is going to be very messy to clean so I decide against it. I just keep my hand there and go to find Steve and Bucky.

They have both managed to sort the weapons out and SHIELD is already here. They both look towards my arm. "What happened?" Steve asks, I look at him dumbfounded at his stupidity.

"Steve what do you think, that I got kicked by a horse? No Steve, a bullet grazed my arm. Come on I know you are old but that doesn't mean you have to be dumb. Think" I say, Bucky is laughing and Steve has gone red from the embarrassment.

"Come on lets go to the jet and put a bandage on that wound" Bucky says and we all walk towards the jet ready to sit down and have some food after a tiring mission.

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