45|Kill Them!

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Riley's POV
The next morning, hour. I am not sure actually, there is no clock and no window to the outside so I cannot tell the time at all. They took my watch away as well, I didn't expect to keep it though, why is Hydra going to let me keep my watch? They are Hydra. I just want to get back to the Avengers, back to Wanda. I am going to die here. No, I cant think like that or it will be what gets me killed, I am going to live and get back to Wanda. Hydra put me in some stupid clothes, they left me in my black sports bra but put some tighter, like gym shorts on my legs and left me like that. It's not exactly warm. They did chuck some old hoodie in here but I am being stubborn and don't want to wear something Hydra gave me.

I sit in my cell, tapping my fingers to the tune stuck in my head, more so trying to calm my anxiety. I do not want a panic attack here. There is nothing to no in here other than die of boredom, I could make a web hammock but I doubt they would allow me to, they would use any excuse to hurt me. I have a feeling they know what all my powers are, they must have been watching me, or have a tracker on me. Maybe they had one for years and used that to track me whoever I went.

'Should I remove the tracker, they would know i removed it and put another one in. Unless I removed it from where it is no doubt under my skin to somewhere that I can take it out whenever, like when they came to my cell to get me I would put it in my mouth or something so they wouldn't think I took it out. They probably wouldn't even check the device unless they lost me' I think

I search my body for any small scars or something and I find one on my left thigh, so I feel around that area, there is definitely something there. I look around the room and find some loose rock. i sit on the floor and take a deep breath knowing this is going to hurt but should be done. I also noticed that there is not a security camera in the room, unless its really hidden. I think Hydra lack some good technology, from what I saw in the lab they don't really know what they need.

I use the piece of stone and take the tracker out, its small. How they managed to get it, I don't know. The tracker fits easily in my mouth, I put it at the back of my mouth to the right side, between my teeth and inside of my cheek. No one is really going to notice it and it will be easier to remove quickly. I sigh loudly and go back to tapping my fingers as well as using the slab as a drum on some occasions.

Eventually some agents walk and stand by the door, I just continue to do drum my fingers and I ignore them, this seems to really irritate them. If I am going to be here against my will I am going to piss of as many people as I can. They pissed me off by bringing me here.

"Up!" On of them shouts, he rips me off the floor and onto my feet before they both lead me out of the room, each holding one of my arms. They are not very patient.

They bring me into a corridor where they meet up and talk to the leaders 'My parents' I need to come up with a name for them actually. They wont tell me theirs, I know.

On the inside I am so stressed out but I am trying to put up a tough front to these agents. God, I despise this place. My thoughts runs wild as I tap my fingers to a tune knowing it calms my anxiety.

They bring me into a different room than earlier and, father along with mother stand there and do some hand signal to tell the guards to drop me. My knees hit the floor as hey don't just let go, they shove me to the floor.

"Walker, you will show us your abilities. Fight these people. To the death, you will not be allowed to leave until they are all killed. We need to train you right and we are starting now. Begin!" shouts. Twenty seemingly strong and well built men run at me. Of course Hydra would only use men, even though women, like myself can fight just as well. They are still living in the past. Mother seems to be the only woman here, they would have had to let her in since she was 'raising me'

I fight back, Shooting my webs and just sticking all of them to walls and the floor, I don't wish to kill these people, they don't deserve it. They don't seem to understand what they are doing. They look terrified and I think they have been threatened.

"Kill!" He screams. I shake my head. They grab a taser from the shelf and turn it to full power before electrocuting me. Any other person would probably have fainted but my spider powers allow me some resistance. It still hurts like a bitch. I try and stay strong but eventually cave in. I let out a scream one that reflects the pain my mind and body are in.

"Kill them, or we will hurt everyone you love" father tells me, I do as he says and snap off the their necks, one by one. They may not be able to take on the Avengers but there is a high chance of them hurting Ned or MJ, or May and I would hate to be responsible for that. Or any deaths, I need to do as these people say or there will be many more deaths that could be innocent civilians. I know Hydra is responsible for many deaths, hell they took over S.H.I.E.L.D without anyone even noticing. I need to be careful but I am still going to piss everyone off, or at least as much as i can. I don't want to risk anyones life.

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