36|Who's The Pirate?

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General POV
Wanda woke to find her and Riley wrapped up in each other arms. Riley's head was on Wanda's shoulder and Wanda's arms were around Rileys torso. Wanda smiled and looked at her girlfriends sleeping figure, a smile made its way onto her face as she looked at the person she was dating. Wanda knew Riley had been through some shit so looking at her so relaxed and peaceful made her smile.

Eventually Riley stirred awake and turned her head so her grey eyes met Wanda's green ones "Morning bug, did you sleep well" Wanda asks Riley, who just mumbles in response.

"Did you just call me bug because I am The Spider?" Riley asks after processing what her girlfriend told her. Wanda nods and laughs lightly, Riley always loved Wanda's laugh, it made her smile.

"I thought it was funny, I could call you lovebug instead" Wanda suggest, Riley eventually breaks and begins to laugh, Wanda joins in. Riley ends up falling off the bed, she lands on the floor with a thud (A/N for some reason I put Plonk to begin with and then though about it and was like, what? Laughing at myself at the moment) Wanda looks over the edge of the bed, she sees Riley and the floor and they make eye contact before lapsing into another fit of giggles. Eventually they compose themselves and get ready for the day. Riley leaves Wanda's room and gets dressed as Wanda does the same in her room.

They meet up just outside their rooms and walk into the kitchen hand in hand, bright smiles present on both of their faces. Wanda gives Riley a kiss on the lips as she has been wanting to do that all morning.

"Ewwwww! PDA" Pietro says, At the same time as Peter. They are a chaotic and troublesome duo.

Riley shoots a web at Peters face while Wanda uses her powers to make a book hit Pietro in the head. Both girls laugh at their similar reactions and get something to eat.

"Riley should I make you a smoothie? I'm having one" Wanda offers, Riley nods.

"Sure, do me any flavours I don't really mind" Riley adds knowing the questions Wanda would have asked. Wanda nods and makes two smoothies, a strawberry and banana and a raspberry and blueberry. She hands Riley the strawberry and banana and begins to sip on her own smoothie. Riley smiles "thank you" she says and drinks her smoothie happily.

The pair have training this morning and Aand aren't really looking forward to it. They are meeting Nat in the training room in 15 minutes so got dressed into their training outfit straight away. Riley is wearing a tight training top (with a sports bra underneath) and some shorts and Wanda is wearing some leggings and a sporty top. (A/N Riley's outfit was the image above at the top part of the chapter)

They both head to the training room where Nat greets them. "Hello, anything fun happen last night?" she teases, she knows nothing happed but is using the opportunity to annoy the pair.

"Huh, I'm confused" Riley says innocently, she doesn't understand what Nat is trying to say.

Wanda goes a deep shade of red "we did not! We fell asleep watching sitcoms" Wanda tells Nat who just laughs knowing she got to the girl. Riley blushes too, she shakes her head now understanding.

"Not ready for that Nat!" She tells the woman, a combination of things are the reasons for this, afterwards of them being: she wants to wait until she is older, she wants her and Wanda to both be ready and she doesn't know how she feels about it after being almost being raped. Riley stiffens as memories flash though her head of her being pinned to the wall being overpowered. She shakes her head and blinks trying to get rid of them. She managed to push them away and bring her thoughts to Wanda, Wanda is her anchor and keep her form swaying too far, or her lifebuoy that pulls her to the surface.

"I'm kidding, I saw you guys cuddling after going into your room Wanda, I was going to say dinner was ready but you were already asleep. I deeply regret not getting a picture but I cant go back in time" Nat says with a chuckle. "Wanda, you can spar with me while Riley does some weight lifting and running" she instructs, Riley and Wanda nod before going to where they are told.

Riley whispers in Wanda's ear before walking away "I'm rooting for you to win but I think Nat might, she has more experience, still rotting for you though. Go team Wanda" this makes Wanda chuckle as she walks over to Nat ready to Spar.

Riley puts her earphones in and get on the treadmill to do some running. She ends up getting lost in her music and thoughts until her spidey senses alert her of a presence behind her. Riley assumes its Nat so Turns around takes out one of her earphones.

She is met with someone she didn't expect "the fuck. who's the pirate?" Riley asks, directing her question to Nat who was standing and watching the events. Riley is surprised at herself, normally she only thinks things like this but never manages to say them. Wanda is holding in a laugh at the comment and Nat has a grin on her face

"I am Nick Fury of SHIELD, but you can call me Fury. This is agent Maria Hill" Fury says while gesturing to the woman standing next to him. "I wish to speak to you" he demands.

Riley's eyes flicker to Nat who nods. Riley nods and gets of the treadmill before standing next to Fury.

"Tell me how did you avoid SHIELD for so long and how did you get your powers" he orders, Riley fiddles with her fingers feeling very anxious. She also feels guilty and knows this man probably hates her for her comment.

"Erm I, er didn't exactly have a stable place to live, so, I, I moved around lots. I got my powers from being bitten by a spider" Riley says, Fury nods.

"Thats what stark told me I just wanted to make sure he was telling the truth, I had been waiting for him to get back to me about getting you on the team but he was probably ignoring me, how old are you?" Fury asks.

"16" Riley says

"Great another youngster, even younger than Peter. How fantastic" Fury says sarcastically, Riley just nods. She hates having anxiety.

Fury seems to to notice how anxious he is making the girl and softens his expression and posture. "I can see you are dedicated to your training and seem sorting, you appear to be a good addition to the team. I heard about your latest mission, The people in this compound need to keep me informed instead of keeping me in the dark" he announces.

"I blame Tony" Riley says nervously, this makes Fury chuckle and nod.

"It's probably Stark's fault anyway. Thank you for speaking to me Riley, I am glad you're on the team" he says before walking out with Maria.

"I thought it was you behind me Nat" Riley breathes out. Wanda breaks down in giggles, she had watched the whole thing and found it highly amusing.

"Thats fury for you, he appears like a shadow" Nat says, she laughs at her comment.

Riley, Nat and Wanda Train for a few more hours until they go their separate ways to shower and relax, it was a long Saturday.

I am really looking forward to the next few chapters readers, They are great in my opinion. I feel like they are an accurate description of events if this were to happen. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and i cant wait for you to see the next one.

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