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General POV
Most of the Avengers had fallen asleep, it was one in the morning. Riley had put her headphones on and was resting her eyes, not wanting to be attacked by nightmares. The Avengers that were still awake were Tony, Nat, Yelena and Clint. Steve and Bucky had fallen asleep on one another and Nat had taken a picture of them. Tony managed to bribe her to send it to him for over two hundred dollars.

Some avengers like Bruce, Thor and Loki had gone to their rooms before sleeping but the rest of them had just fallen asleep watching one of the many movies that had been viewed. Riley had unfortunately ended up falling asleep listening to her music. She hoped that it wouldn't happen but she was too tired and content not to. Vision had gone upstairs to rest, he didn't exactly need sleep but wanted to try human things and could sleep if he wanted to.

Peter had fallen onto the floor and was asleep there, Riley and Wanda were on the sofa. Wanda's head was on Rileys shoulder and Rileys head was on Wanda's head. Nat had glanced over at the pair and tough they were very cute but deduced against taking a picture.

"Naaaaatttttt, is Riley staying here?" Yelena questions. Nat shrugs and looks at Tony.

"If I can I will get her to move in tomorrow, she doesn't actually have a place to live so I don't want her staying on the streets when she doesn't need to and she humiliated Steve so I'm down. She's great" Tony says, Yelena nods happily, she agrees with Tony, its a very rare thing but it happens on occasions.

There is another half an hour of general conversation between everyone, until Riley shot up from the sofa, Wanda was awoken from the movement. Nat, Tony, Yelena and Clint all looked in her direction. They saw the panic in her eyes, the rapid rate of her breathing and the pain evident on her face.

Riley's hands went to her chest like she was trying to pull the air into her lungs, she couldn't breathe. Rileys vision was blurry with tears. Wanda had noticed Riley's headphones on the floor, she picked them up after rubbing her eyes and placed them on Rileys ears.

"Listen to the music, focus, think about the music" Wanda said, she didn't really know what to do so just went with what she had. Riley did what Wanda said and eventually got air into her lungs and her breathing slower. Nat had gone to get Riley some water a cereal bar, which she gratefully accepted.

Riley sniffled, she felt she had already made a fool of herself. "I'm such an idiot, I should have stayed awake" Riley tells herself. Nat shakes her head.

"Riley, you cant control that. You also need sleep" Nat tells the young girl. Riley nods, feeling guilty for make it these people look after her. Obviously they do not mind and care about the girl. Nat has experiences with nightmares, most of the avengers do they have learnt how to handle it from experience and are also lots older than sixteen. Wanda has also had her fair share of nightmares from the battle with Ultron, She though Pietro was going to die, seeing him jump in front of the jet. Luckily. Before he ran Steve had passed him the shield that proceeded most of his vital organs allowing him to recover from the few bullet stat actually hit him.

"Riley I have a spare room that you can use, I can get happy to bring your stuff from Peter's apartment Tomorrow. Try and get seem more sleep, if you need us call FRIDAY, she can deliver a message efficiently" Tony says, Riley nods before following Clint to her room. She lays on the bed and falls asleep feeling very drained from her panic attack.

Clint heads back into the main room, worried faces stare back at him "she fell asleep pretty much as soon as she laid on the bed" Clint tells them.

"Riley must have really had it rough on the streets" Tony says.

"Well no shit Sherlock" Yelena responds "New York isn't exactly a super safe place for a teenage girl to live on the streets is it?" Yelena adds, Tony nods.

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