13|First Impressions

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General POV
Riley was still fighting these people, they just stood there shooting at her while she is dodging and shooting at them, as soon as she webs one of them up another one frees them. After an hour of fighting Riley had gathered some details from how they behave, the female is the leader and the masked ones are males. Riley has managed to take out two of them men, they are a good distance away from the rest so cannot be freed.

Meanwhile in Avengers tower FRIDAY is alerting Tony about Alien powered weapons, "what is the situation? are any people in danger?" Tony asks him A.I

"I believe that The Spider, or Riley walker as you asked for me to name her has been fighting these people for an over an hour" FRIDAY announces.

"What? Tell me her injuries" Tony orders FRIDAY, while trying to get all the other Avengers to get ready.

"Riley has a split lip, minor concussion. A broken rib and a sprained ankle and a dislocated left shoulder" FRIDAY announces "she is also extremely exhausted, she will not be able to fight for much longer due to her injuries and how she has been fighting six on one" the A.I adds.

"Hurry up team, Riley has been fighting these people for over an hour and she is injured, lets go. On the jet" Tony hurries everyone. The jet is started and the avengers have a ten minute flight. Peter is the most anxious for Riley, having know her for the longest time.

Where Riley is, she is being beaten and shot at constant on the floor, every time she gets close to getting back on her feet she is shot at again. Riley huffs out a long breath and digs deep. She focuses on her music over her pain. She gets up and doges all of the blasts, while doing a barrel roll fires three webs quickly out of right writs and three out of the right. She manages to web out two more, four down two to go.

Riley manages to get the other man webbed up, its just the leader left, the woman shoots at her with a flaming orb of energy, this grazes the side of her abdomen, the same side the widow bite hit her. Riley falls to the floor in immense pain, the shot hit the exact spot the widow bite did. Riley grits her teeth and gets up, what she doesn't realise is the avengers are watching from the jet just waiting until they can get out, they are two minutes away but can see what is going on.

When Riley gets up she shoots two perfectly aimed webs but at the same time the woman pulls a dagger out, throwing it straight for Rileys head. The webs hit the woman but the dagger has already been released from her grip. Riley had to do a flip to shoot the webs so her back is facing the woman and she cannot see the dagger. Her spidey senses kick in, she spins around tilting her head slightly and bring her arm up catching the dagger. It cuts her hand slightly but was not as that as it was intended to be.

Finally the fight is over, Riley falls to the floor exhausted. The blood is trickling out of her open wound on her hand.

The Avengers jet lands and they all jump out, Steve ad Bucky dates in the cirri alps and put handcuff on them and rush them onto the jet. The rest of the Avengers run to Riley.

"Jesus Christ, how did she manage that. Winning a battle after an hour of fighting. Their weapons looked powerful from the footage that FRIDAY showed me" Tony says.

Peter leans over his friend, he rips her mask off and looks at her battered face, terse is a pretty deep cut over her forehead, a split lip, a bruised and definitely broken nose, Peter watches the blood trickle from her nose and realises it is defiantly not in the right place. He sees the burn wound on the side of her abdomen and then his eyes turn to her hand. He lifts the dagger to see a deep gash on her hand, blood trickles out of it, dripping golf her fingertips.

"Shit, Riley wake up, your okay" Peter says, his eyes gloss over and he tries to push away tears.

"FRIDAY scan vitals" Tony announces

"Peter, can you piss of, I'm tired. This patrol was supposed to end over an hour ago, I may have good stamina but I'm tired. Let me sleep" Riley says, All of the avengers there smile widely. Bruce, Wanda, Pietro and Loki were told not to come as as they needed to make sure it wasn't a trap to lure them away from the tower.

Riley opens her eyes sits up and places her hand over her nose, she pushes it back into place. Also lifting her hand up to her still dislocated shoulder "erm Pete can you help me a little" Riley says, Peter helps her put the shoulder back into place, Rileys eyes scan the areas, "shit, I though it was just Tony and Peter" She mumbles, those being the Avengers she has met before and finds herself sort of comfortable with them. "Peter do you have a bandage?' She questions quietly. Some hear her and chuckle but some are very concerned for her.

"Don't worry, most of the injuries will heal in a few days. Super spider. Oh and there is a bandage at my place for your hand" Peter says happily.

"I am going to go home and sleep, let's postpone me coming to the compound for a few days so my injuries can heal, I'll meet you at your place Pete, bye everyone" Riley says timidly before swinging off.

"You probably shouldn't be swinging after that Riley" Steve shouts after her. But Riley is too far away, she smiles happily, she didn't screw up meeting the avengers, Riley is very proud of herself as this is a first.

"What the fuck?" Tony says "she is just swinging away, and has postponed coming to the compound. Look at the amount of blood on the floor, I'm gonna be the one to have to clean that up" Tony adds.

"How did those criminals get their hands on the weapons they had. And how did Riley defeat them all, she must have been exhausted" Steve questions, they knew Riley was strong but they didn't expect her to be that strong.

"Lets get these people to Nick, he can pick what he wants to do with them" Nat decides, The avengers get on the Jet and Natasha phone Wanda to fill Wanda in on what's happened, Wanda explains the situation to the rest of the avengers at the still compound.

The Avengers had to report some of their missions to nick and he would give them some missions as technically they were SHIELD. But they still had a lot of independence. They had a managed to sort the Sokivian accords out as soon as it was pitched and Ross realised his mistake quickly, understating for the Avenges to save the world that had to do it on their own terms. That meeting ended with Ross apologising for wasting time and many avengers secretly wishing he had died from his heart attack, he was really pissing them all off.

"Oh, Mr Stark can we please get a McDonald's, I need to give one to Riley. Please" Peter requests, Tony nods not being able to resist the puppy dog eyes.

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