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Riley's POV
It has been a week since I was in the longest fight of my life. My injuries are pretty much healed and I look like myself again. I do have a small scar over my left eye brow from that wound being reopened during the fight but its fine I guess. Today is the day I am supposed to be meeting the avengers properly. I mean I met some of them but I was injured and didn't really look like myself.

Peter managed to repair my suit with the help of Mr Stark, Tony? I don't really know what to call him. I have been texting the avengers all week so I suppose I am less nervous than I would be. But I am still stressing out. Happy, Tony's headed of security and driver is coming to pick me up and I cannot decide on what to wear. I want to make a good first impression but I don't want to look to dressed up.

After a good ten minutes I decide on a white shirt with a denim jacket and some navy blue trousers.

I pace around my room for a few minutes trying to compose myself and figure out what to do. I decide to pack a small backpack of things. I grab my phone, air pods and headphones. A book that I have really been enjoying reading, my sketchbook and some pens along with sketching pencils and colouring pencils to draw with. I decide that all I need now is a Water bottle so after packing that I am all ready.

I don't really know what to expect to be honest and that I making me very nervous. I put my headphones on to distract myself and bop my head lightly to the beat. I would speak t peter as my distraction but he had a early patrol this morning and had to go straight to the tower right after.

I decide I should draw something, I decide on a cat. I draw and draw until the doorbell rings. Shit I bet it's Mr Happy, Oh shit, Im gonna die. I have to leave now, ahhhhhhh. I internally panic for a few minutes before gathering my stiff and answering the door. The journey there was pretty quite, I was too anxious to start a conversation. I just keep sketching.

I get out of the car, sketchbook in hand and my backpack slung over one shoulder. Happy scans me in to the compound. He also explains something about sorting me a key card out so I can get in wherever I need. I wasn't really playing much attention feeling extremely daunted by meeting the avengers.

My music plays gently in my ears as I walk through the door, following happy into the room the Avengers are supposed to be in. Before I enter the room Peter runs up to me.

"hey Riley, I just got back from patrol" peter says happily "you look very nervous" he adds, i sarcastically smile at him.

"Thanks for that Pete, I am DYING. What do I say? what do I do? They are going to hate me, I just know it" I say Peter just hugs me.

"Riley you are going to be fine, take a deep breath, they already love you, remember the group chat" Peter says. I nod nervously, gazing a little bit more confidence. I take a deep breath before walking into the room.

I try and focus more on my music as it can ground me, I'm going to die. There are many people I do not know in this room.

Peter gives me a side hug before leading me to the Avengers. "Ok hi Riley. You know everyone's names?" Steve question, I nod slowly.

"You can hear me right, you have headphones on?" Steve questions. I nod again, wow captain America can see.

"Good to know you are observant" I blurt out, I cover my mouth as my face goes red, I just Insulted, CAPTAIN AMERICA. SHIT. "Sorry" i say quietly, everyone is laughing, even Steve. I don't really know what to make of the situation, I just turn around going to leave, Peter grabs me by the shoulders and drags me back.

"Ok, we are keeping you" Tony says, smiling.

"And to answer your question Steve, Riley wears the headphones so it doesn't become to overwhelming for her, the social anxiety and the super senses aren't a good mix" Peter explains, I nod agreeing with his statement.

"Why do you have a sketchbook?" Yelena questions, very much like Steve's question, it was stupid.

"I don't know Lena? Why would she have a sketchbook, maybe its to slap people with or maybe its to sketch with? Mmh" Nat says.

"Slapping people with it is a great idea, Im not opposed to that" I mumble, I must have mumbled it loudly because everyone starts laughing again.

"OK well, the idea of this visit was for Riley to get to know the avengers but with all of us texting her, we know each other's pretty well now, wanna watch a movie?" Tony questions, everyone nods and mumbles words of agreement. "Great, lets watch ghost Busters. That's a good one right?" Tony says, everyone just nods.

i follow Peter to the 'movie room' it is like a private cinema, its awesome. I smile and sit down. Deciding before the movie starts I will finish my sketch.

"Wow, you don't carry that sketchbook for nothing, you can draw really well" Wanda says to me, I smile shyly, I don't do well around beautiful girls, at all.

I move my hand so Wanda can see my art better. She smiles and takes the book off me. Pietro speeds over and look at the sketch too.

"Did you do that Riley, I know it wasn't Wanda, she doesn't have much artistic talent" Pietro says making me chuckle.

"Pietro they didn't teach us art in HYDRA, actually we didn't have anything to draw with. i have an excuse" Wanda says, her accent seeping through.

The rest of the avengers arrive after going to get some food from the kitchen which I Believe was On a different floor. "Oooo, who drew this? its really good" Sam says cheerfully. "That was a stupid question, it was Riley, actually it could be Steve but i know that the rest of us have no artistic ability at all" He adds, I nod agreeing with him that it was me, Eventually the picture gets passed around the whole room. I look to Peter seeking his help and he just shrugs.

A/N - the picture:

Wanda senses my discomfort, "Can we start the movie please? And give Riley back her sketchbook"  she adds, the sketchbook eventually gets passed back to me, I smile gratefully at her

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Wanda senses my discomfort, "Can we start the movie please? And give Riley back her sketchbook"  she adds, the sketchbook eventually gets passed back to me, I smile gratefully at her. Some returns the gesture and we sit next to each other to watch the movie, Peter on my left, Wanda on my right. I smile happily feeling comfortable in a group of People is a very rare experience for me. I was being so stressed out and nervous for nothing. I smile, leaning feeling Peters head on my left shoulder, he has fallen asleep already, I though he would last at least another hour. I chuckle to myself before giving the movie my attention.

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