33|Scary Russian

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Wanda's POV
Me and Riley have been girlfriends for a week now and it has been amazing, she is amazing. Riley can just make me smile so easily and sometimes is very distracting, I cannot seem to train with her in the room as I end up just staring at her. Currently I am training with Nat while Riley is at school and Yelena is making food.

"Is there something going on between you are Riley? you guys have been a lot closer in these past two weeks" Natasha asks, I don't know what to say, did Riley want people to know about us?

"I think we are just really good friends" I respond nervously, Nat nods sceptically but accepts my answer, I decide to change the topic "do you know when Clint is getting back? he has been away for a few weeks now" I ask

"I think today actually, Kate is coming back with him, I think he adopted her because her mum was some criminal or something and she got sent to prison" Nat tells me, I nod.

We train for a little longer until I get a message and ask for a break, It's Riley.

Hello Lovebug
I hope you have had a good day
I am going patrolling with Peter
So I wont be back until a little later
We could watch a movie when you get back

Hey sunshine
Thats fine but be safe
I would love to watch a movie with you

You can think of a movie to watch
I think its your turn to pick anyway
I will see you later :)

Have fun on patrol but DO NOT get injured
I would have to kill Peter
He is you supervisor so if you get hurt its on him

I threaten Peter not wanting Riley to get hurt.

Babe, i'll be fine
Me and Peter are going to get some sandwiches afterwards
Do you want anything from Delmar's?

I'll have what we had last time
It was good
I will see you later
Im training with Natasha and called a break

I would get back to training with the scary Russian
She will murder you slowly if you aren't fast
I speak from experience

I chuckle at Riley's answer and respond quickly.

Okay, bye
Be safe 😘

Bye 😵‍💫
Wait I meant this emoji😊, see you later

I chuckle at Rileys mistake before walking back to Nat "who was that?" She asks teasingly

"Someone" I state, not wanting her to know, She laughs.

"Was it a certain spider girl?" She asks, when I blush she winks and walks away onto the mat "I won't hold back, come on" she say, I walk over to her while mumbling under my breath.

"Riley wasn't wrong when she said you were a scary Russian who would murder me slowly" I mumble, but Nat catches it.

"I need to have a word with Riley then" she says, my eyes go wide when I realise she heard it. She then laughs at my reaction "ready?" She asks, I nod and we spar for a little bit longer until we decide to get some food.

I check the time after eating, four thirty, Riley should be back in about half an hour, I decide that later we can watch 'brave' I go on my phone to get rid of my boredom and wait for Riley.

I have the movie loaded on the screen ready to play, someone walks in cheerfully but I don't turn my head "Sam is actually going to get killed, I need to work out how. Should I slit his throat or break his neck. Oh we are watching a film about a female Clint" Riley says as she walks in and sits next to me. She must have gone to her room and gotten changed first as she is not in her suit. She passes me the sandwich and begins to eat her at the same time.

"I guess we are" I say responding to her comment about the film, "why do you want to kill Sam?" I ask.

"Well you see, its a long story thats starts this morning and goes to when me and Peter went on patrol. Sam had eaten my donuts this morning, I had two left, one for you and one for me and HE ATE BOTH! Then he proceeds to put his little bird suit on and fly around me and Peter when we were patrolling claiming he needed to 'watch the kids' so I shoot a web that hits his wing and he falls out of the sky ands LANDS ON ME! which hurts so I may or may not have kicked him, he may not be able to have children now, then I swung away"

"Wait how does kicking him not allow him to have children?" I ask confused "and you cant kill sam"

"I kicked him in the dick" Riley states bluntly, I laugh and she cuddles into my chest. "Can we start the movie? I know I have kept you waiting for a while" she tells me, I nod and press play. Half an hour into the movie I decide to ask Riley a question.

"Riley, do you want people to know about us? Nat asked if there was 'something going on between us' and I said we were good friends cause I didn't know if you wanted them to know" I question, Riley nods thoughtfully.

"I don't know, we could just wait to see if anyone finds out, I don't mid if you want to tell them then tell them. I told MJ about our second date but nothing else and I haven't told Peter much actually, he only knows I went on a date with you, he doesn't know about any others and how we are girlfriends" Riley tells me, as soon as she mentions us being together she smiles brightly and dizzily.

"Did you forget again?" I ask

"Well yeah, its hard to explain but I know subconsciously but it feels unreal when I say it out loud, do you know what I mean? It makes me so happy every time I realise" She tells me.

I laugh lightly "I can tell, you get a dizzy, silly smile on your face every time you realise" I tell my girlfriend, she huffs playfully.

Suddenly Loki Walks into the room with a book in his hand "Look Loki its Clint" Riley say getting his attention and pointing to the screen, she points at Merida "it could be Nat actually, can she use a bow though? It's the red hair that makes me think Nat, Okay if Nat and Clint had a child thats their child. I know they are only friends but you get the point" She tells Loki who looks up from his book and towards Riley, he chuckles lightly at her statement "what book are you reading?" She asks him.

"It's called the ghost factory, I found it in the library the other day. It's alright so far" Loki says cheerfully, so how Riley made good friends with the God.

"THERE'S A LIBRARY!" she exclaims, "I need to check that out, I am glad someone told me. Have fun reading Loki" She says as Loki walks off.

"I am going to that library later" she says as she turn to me, I yawn tiredly, I got up pretty early this morning.

"Go to sleep darling, I'll be here" she tells me noticing my tiredness, I nod and lean on her shoulder falling asleep quickly feeling comfort in Riley.

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